Ай да идем – 17 април 2016
Предаване: Ай да идем, 17.04.2016
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Телефон: 073/ 828 88 875
Email: da_idem@bnt.bg
„Ай да идем” е фолклорно предаване на БНТ 2 Благоевград, което се излъчва два пъти в месеца в неделя от 12:00 часа. Водеща на предаването е Нина Шопска.
„Ай да идем“ има за цел да представи българските традиции и фолклор, да търси позабравени обичаи и ритуали, да запознава зрителите с характерни за областта инструменти, с майсторите, които ги създават и с виртуозите, които ги използват. Не липсват и песни, танци и настроение...
Традицията повелява да спазваме обичаите, да приготвяме гозбите си по бабини рецепти, да пеем песните на дедите ни и да ги предаваме нататък. Но спомняме ли си ритуалите?
„Ай да идем” ни ги припомня в неделя от 12:00 часа по БНТ 2!
‘Ai da idem’ (English: ‘Let’s go’)
An hour of folk music presented by Nina Shopska and Stoyan Vesselinski. The show is produced by BNT 2 Blagoevgrad regional centre. Aired on Saturdays at 11.30 a.m.
The team of the show presents traditions and folklore from around Bulgaria, searches for forgotten customs and rituals and introduces the viewers to musical instruments typical for the regions, to the craftsmen who made them and to the virtuosos that use them. There is singing, dancing and enjoyable atmosphere.
Tradition prescribes we follow the old customs, cook meals from our grandmother’s recipes, sing the songs of our grandfathers and pass them over to the younger generations. Do we however remember the rituals?
‘Ai da idem’ brings them back to our memory, every Saturday at 11:30 on BNT2.
E-mail: da_idem@bnt.bg
‘Ai da idem’ (English: ‘Let’s go’)
An hour of folk music presented by Nina Shopska and Stoyan Vesselinski. The show is produced by BNT 2 Blagoevgrad regional centre. Aired on Saturdays at 11.30 a.m.
The team of the show presents traditions and folklore from around Bulgaria, searches for forgotten customs and rituals and introduces the viewers to musical instruments typical for the regions, to the craftsmen who made them and to the virtuosos that use them. There is singing, dancing and enjoyable atmosphere.
Tradition prescribes we follow the old customs, cook meals from our grandmother’s recipes, sing the songs of our grandfathers and pass them over to the younger generations. Do we however remember the rituals?
‘Ai da idem’ brings them back to our memory, every Saturday at 11:30 on BNT2.
E-mail: da_idem@bnt.bg
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