Европейски дневник
Предаването информира широката публика за събитията, случили се в европейските институции през седмицата.
![Европейски дневник](https://p.bnt.bg/e/v/evropejski_dnevnik_400x225-3101-810x0.png)
Телефон: 02 814 22 60
Предаването информира широката публика за събитията, случили се в европейските институции през седмицата и последиците за всекидневния живот на гражданите на Съюза, в това число и на България.
A ten-minute show that airs every Saturday at 19:50 on BNT World channel.
The show informs the wide audience about the events in the European institutions that took place during the week and their consequences for everyday life of citizens of the Union, including Bulgarian citizens.
Authors of the programme are Martin Gittsov and Nevena Boneva.
Telephone: +359 2 814 22 60
A ten-minute show that airs every Saturday at 19:50 on BNT World channel.
The show informs the wide audience about the events in the European institutions that took place during the week and their consequences for everyday life of citizens of the Union, including Bulgarian citizens.
Authors of the programme are Martin Gittsov and Nevena Boneva.
Telephone: +359 2 814 22 60
![Митко Шарков](https://bnt.bg/box/img/noimage_m.jpg)
![Ивайло Огнянов](https://bnt.bg/f/news/s/139/613c5bc5eb2d6a7cde9ee09b3759b6c0.jpeg)
![Мориц Хаздай](https://bnt.bg/box/img/noimage_m.jpg)
![Невена Бонева](https://p.bnt.bg/n/e/nevena-boneva-169653-130x130.jpg)
![Мартин Гицов](https://p.bnt.bg/m/a/martin-gicov-169655-130x130.jpg)
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