Гостува група "Пиф"
Предаване: Нощни птици, 25.09.2015
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E-mail: pticite@gmail.com
"Нощни птици" е вечерно токшоу на БНТ. В него водещата и автор Искра Ангелова кани най-интересните личности от шоу бизнеса, известните и талантливи хора от сцените на България. Те пеят, свирят, пишат, играят, режисират, танцуват, рисуват, но и показват истинското си лице в предаването, станало запазена марка на БНТ. Искра Ангелова ги изненадва с техните приятели, учители, любими и съперници, те очакват с нетърпение кой ще зададе тайния въпрос и така предаването се превръща в нещо много повече от портретно интервю - то става преживяване на живо, хепънинг с много музика, спомени и истории. Интересното е, че интервюто, представено като непринуден разговор, разкрива личния свят на гостите и ги въвлича съвсем неусетно и леко в темите от деня. Около рояла си говорят така, сякаш не са в телевизионно студио.
В предаването са били и много журналисти, политици и общественици. Специално заради него в България пристигна и създателят на Уикипедия Джими Уейлс.
Искра Ангелова е дипломирана актриса, филолог и журналист, както и Фулбрайтов специализант. Тя е завършила магистратурата си по телевизионна журналистика в университета Емерсън в Бостън, САЩ и е работила като продуцент в сутрешното предаване на националната американска телевизия CBS в Ню Йорк.
Музикантите на "Нощни птици" са изключителни - Мишо Шишков, Владимир Михайлов, Румен Бояджиев- син, Борислав Бояджиев, Петко Славов, Гриша Георгиев и Вяра Панталеева правят музикален портрет на всеки гост и са ненадминати в създаването на вечерната атмосфера в предаването. Отговорен оператор е Веселин Апостолов, режисьор - Милена Гетова, изпълнителен продуцент - Виделина Луканова, директор на продукцията - Валентин Велков.
"Нощни птици" забавлява, но умно. Това е своеобразен клуб на можещите и знаещите, защото екипът на предаването вярва, че добрите примери ще ни спасят.
‘Noshtni ptici’ (English: Night Birds)
‘Noshtni ptici’ is an evening talk show of BNT that airs on Friday evening at 23:30 on BNT 1.
The show presents its guests – the most popular personalities in music, politics, sports, media, cinema, theatre, fine arts, science, dancing and literature – in a different and unusual context. In the cozy atmosphere of the evening locale the guests of Iskra Angelova relax and share their dreams, fears, beliefs, and concerns.
Who: There is no other place where you can see Boyko Borisov playing a guitar, Daniel Valchev singing, Maria Ilieva analyzing the situation in the country, U.S. Ambassador speaking critically about the war in Iraq, Georgi Gospodinov meeting his character, Martin Zaimov making a psychological test, Meglena Plugchieva weeping, and a real civil servant marrying Galya and Miro from Karizma on air.
Iskra Angelova majored Bulgarian Language and Literature in the Sofia University, Acting in the National Academy for Theatre and Film Art ‘Krastio Sarafov’ in the class of Prof. Dimitrina Gurova and Plamen Markov, and Master’s Degree in Television and Radio Journalism in Emerson University in Boston, USA. She is a Fulbright postgraduate. Iskra played in many theatre productions and several films. Presently – in ‘Monogamous’ of Christopher Kyle in National Theater ‘Ivan Vazov’ and ‘Beautiful Bodies’ of Lora Cunningham in State Theatre ‘Salza and smiah’, which is translated by her. Iskra is a proud member of the troupe of the newly created ‘Modern Theatre’. She began dealing with television in BNT already as a pupil and student. In 1999 Iskra was an intern-reporter in two TV channels in Boston - WHDH Channel 7 (NBC) and WLVI Channel 56 and then she was appointed in the morning bloc ‘The Early Show’ of the national CBS in New York as a second producer. Iska was host and scriptwriter of ‘Tazi sutrin po bTV’ (English: This Morning on bTV), host, scriptwriter and editor in chief of ‘U nas’ (English: ‘In Bulgaria’) on Nova TV. The novel ‘Do I love you?’, which Iskra wrote together with Petar Volgin, was among the best selling Bulgarian books last summer.
The Band: The band of ‘Noshtni ptici’ invites various singers as guests, as the last discovery of the band is Vyara Pantaleeva – a girl with a great voice, talent and charming appearance. The musicians and composers are unsurpassed improvisers and professionals, they can practically play everything. During the whole conversation in the studio Misho Shishkov highlights the essential moments by music and monitors the dynamics of what is happening. Misho played in the legendary groups Medicus, Blue Balu, Nona Iotova Band, Ostava.
Director: Milena Getova - Milena manages shooting of the show, edits it and takes care of its dynamics on air.
How: The highlight of the show is the so called surprise which all guests look forward to. The surprising arrival at the studio of friends and relatives of the guest makes the show a unique experience in which viewers witness spontaneous memories and stories. During the conversation the band plays music that the guest likes most, thus making a musical portrait of him or her. ‘Noshtni ptici’ of BNT values good manners and does not step into yellow tabloid speaking that has become practice of media. The show can boats that it does not underestimate its viewers, behaves naturally and offers hospitality to its visitors, and has an intelligent presence on Sunday evening.
Guests: The show has been visited by many interesting personalities from various areas of social and cultural life.
Music: Lili Ivanova, Vasil Naydenov, Doni and Neti, Maria Ilieva, Karizma, Te, Orlin Goranov, Grafa, Viki from Mastilo, Gravity Co., Apsurt, Dicho, Kichka Bodurova, Misho Belchev, Haygashot Agasyan, Hilda Kazasyan, Nina Nikolina and Kalin Velyov, Arabel Karayan, Stenly, Ostava, Petya Buyuklieva, Boris Karadimchev, Kristina Dimitrova, Margarita Hranova, Aleksandrina Pendachanska, Rosen Milanov, Yulia Hristova, Tedi Katsarova, D2, BTR, Morandi, Yildiz Ibrahimova, Toma Sprostranov, Vasil Petrov, Neli Rangelova.
Politics: Boyko Borisov, Daniel Valchev, Rumen Ovcharov, Tatyana Doncheva, Alexander Bozhkov, Emil Koshlukov, Yuliana Doncheva, Nadezhda Mihaylova, Gergana Grancharova, Georgi Petkanov, Konstantin Trenchev, Stefan Tafrov, Asen Agov, Mario Tagarinski, Martin Zaimov, U.S. Ambassador John Beyrle, Nikolay Vasilev.
Sports: Titi Papazov, Neshka Robeva, Yordan Yovchev, Lili Ignatova, Magdalena Maleeva, Maria Grozdeva.
Journalism: Misha Glenny, Dimitar Tsonev, Ivan Garelov, Martin Karbovski, Georgi Milkov, Milen Tsvetkov, Martin Zahariev, Asen Grigorov, Georgi Koritarov, Niki Kanchev, Nayo Titsin, Radina Chervenova, Radinela Buserska, Spas Kiosev, Koprinka Chervenkova, Vyara Ankova, Boyko Vasilev;
Cinema: Kiera Chaplin, Ben Cross, Jackie Stoev, Johnny Penkov, Todor Kolev, Plamen Maslarov, Agitprop: Andrey Paunov, Bobby Despotov, Boris Misirkov, Georgi Bogdanov and Martichka Bozhilova, Spaniard Camila Bossa, Indian Srinivasa Manndzhapurtu, ‘The World is Big and salvation Lurks Around the Corner’: Stefan Kitanov, Stefan Vaqldobrev, Ana Papadopoulou and Hristo Mutafchiev;
Literature: Georgi Gospodinov, Alek Popov, Georgi Lozanov, Stefan Tsanev, Michael Cremo, Baroness Nadine de Rothschild;
Theatre: Kamen Donev, Hristo Mutafchiev, Teddy Moskov, Yavor Gardev, Ivan Stanev, Stoyan Radev, Nikola Anastasov, Vladimir Penev, Svetlana Yancheva, Stefania Koleva, Nona Iotova, Silvia Lulcheva, Kristina Yaneva, Elena Ivanova, Vladimir Lyutskanov, Asen Blatechki, Thierry Harcourt, Vlado Karamazov and Yulian Vergov, Ilka Zafirova;
Producing: Tsonko Tsonev, Dimitar Kovachev-Funky and Ivan Nestorov-Amoeba, Stanislava Armutlieva;
Fine arts, sculpture and photography: Nikola Karamfilov, Ventsi Zankov, Gredi Assa, Georgi Chapkanov, Ivo Hadzhimishev;
Fashion: Zheni Kalkandzhieva, Gergana Polezhanova, Miss Bulgaria 2007;
Dancing: Dilyana Nikiforova, HaviKoro, Pambos and many others.
For the new season the show ‘Noshtni ptici’ has been supplied with a new set, designed by the artist Nikolay Ninov and made by the production facility of BNT headed by Dimo Kostadinov, and a new lead-in and caches made by Ivo Seferov and Creative Studio, and a new member has been added to the band – Borislav Boyadzhiev drums and percussions.
The individual parts of the show: ‘Portrait’, ‘Premiere’, ‘Bookstore’, ‘Spirit of the Bottle’, ‘Surprise’, ‘Stranger’, ‘Dangerous Liaisons’, ‘Karaoke’, ‘Art in the Evening’, ‘Nursery’, ‘Hidden Trump’ and ‘Test’ present the guests in a different light, separating the conversation with them in relevant parts. A stooge is present in the audience (‘Hidden Trump’), the show organizes a literary (‘Bookstore’) and wine (‘Spirit of the Bottle’) club where it presents the favorite books and drinks of the guest. Which theaters, night clubs, concert halls and cinemas the guest visits you can understand from ‘Art in the Evening’. ‘Nursery’ takes the guest back to his childhood, mischief and memories, while ‘Dangerous Liaisons’ reveals the friendships, loves and important people in his life. Sometimes Iskra makes a psychological or another test of her guests (‘Test’), sometimes the guests sing (‘Karaoke’). In ‘Portrait’ Iskra summarizes what we have already learned about the person who is a guest of ‘Noshtni ptici’.
In the new season the show ‘Noshtni ptici’ has been visited by the following guests: Deep Zone Project, DJ Balthazar and Ioanna together with Krum; Eugene Dainov together with Vladimir Dainov, the band ‘Masters’ and Dimitar Kovachev – Funky; Doncho Papazov with Yana and Viktor Papazovs and Nikolay Iotov; Dragomir Simeonov and Stanislava Gancheva from ‘Flight over Night’, together with Grandpa Petko and Georgi Lubenov; Kiril Donchev, together with Itzhak Finzi, Anthony and George Donchev and Antoaneta Bachurova; Iliana Raeva with Elizabet Paisieva and D-r Nikola Grigorov; Maxim Minchev with Yuri Lazarov, Gergana Grancharova and Janet Zaharieva; Orlin Goranov with Alexander Krunev and Kristina Dimitrova; Meglena Plugchieva with Venelina Gocheva and Prof. Ludmil Boyadzhiev, Vyara Ankova, Boyko Vasilev, Agitprop, Nona Iotova, Camila Bossa, Nelly Rangelova, Misha Glenny and ‘The World is Big and Salvation Lurks Around the Corner’.
E-mail: pticite@gmail.com
‘Noshtni ptici’ (English: Night Birds)
‘Noshtni ptici’ is an evening talk show of BNT that airs on Friday evening at 23:30 on BNT 1.
The show presents its guests – the most popular personalities in music, politics, sports, media, cinema, theatre, fine arts, science, dancing and literature – in a different and unusual context. In the cozy atmosphere of the evening locale the guests of Iskra Angelova relax and share their dreams, fears, beliefs, and concerns.
Who: There is no other place where you can see Boyko Borisov playing a guitar, Daniel Valchev singing, Maria Ilieva analyzing the situation in the country, U.S. Ambassador speaking critically about the war in Iraq, Georgi Gospodinov meeting his character, Martin Zaimov making a psychological test, Meglena Plugchieva weeping, and a real civil servant marrying Galya and Miro from Karizma on air.
Iskra Angelova majored Bulgarian Language and Literature in the Sofia University, Acting in the National Academy for Theatre and Film Art ‘Krastio Sarafov’ in the class of Prof. Dimitrina Gurova and Plamen Markov, and Master’s Degree in Television and Radio Journalism in Emerson University in Boston, USA. She is a Fulbright postgraduate. Iskra played in many theatre productions and several films. Presently – in ‘Monogamous’ of Christopher Kyle in National Theater ‘Ivan Vazov’ and ‘Beautiful Bodies’ of Lora Cunningham in State Theatre ‘Salza and smiah’, which is translated by her. Iskra is a proud member of the troupe of the newly created ‘Modern Theatre’. She began dealing with television in BNT already as a pupil and student. In 1999 Iskra was an intern-reporter in two TV channels in Boston - WHDH Channel 7 (NBC) and WLVI Channel 56 and then she was appointed in the morning bloc ‘The Early Show’ of the national CBS in New York as a second producer. Iska was host and scriptwriter of ‘Tazi sutrin po bTV’ (English: This Morning on bTV), host, scriptwriter and editor in chief of ‘U nas’ (English: ‘In Bulgaria’) on Nova TV. The novel ‘Do I love you?’, which Iskra wrote together with Petar Volgin, was among the best selling Bulgarian books last summer.
The Band: The band of ‘Noshtni ptici’ invites various singers as guests, as the last discovery of the band is Vyara Pantaleeva – a girl with a great voice, talent and charming appearance. The musicians and composers are unsurpassed improvisers and professionals, they can practically play everything. During the whole conversation in the studio Misho Shishkov highlights the essential moments by music and monitors the dynamics of what is happening. Misho played in the legendary groups Medicus, Blue Balu, Nona Iotova Band, Ostava.
Director: Milena Getova - Milena manages shooting of the show, edits it and takes care of its dynamics on air.
How: The highlight of the show is the so called surprise which all guests look forward to. The surprising arrival at the studio of friends and relatives of the guest makes the show a unique experience in which viewers witness spontaneous memories and stories. During the conversation the band plays music that the guest likes most, thus making a musical portrait of him or her. ‘Noshtni ptici’ of BNT values good manners and does not step into yellow tabloid speaking that has become practice of media. The show can boats that it does not underestimate its viewers, behaves naturally and offers hospitality to its visitors, and has an intelligent presence on Sunday evening.
Guests: The show has been visited by many interesting personalities from various areas of social and cultural life.
Music: Lili Ivanova, Vasil Naydenov, Doni and Neti, Maria Ilieva, Karizma, Te, Orlin Goranov, Grafa, Viki from Mastilo, Gravity Co., Apsurt, Dicho, Kichka Bodurova, Misho Belchev, Haygashot Agasyan, Hilda Kazasyan, Nina Nikolina and Kalin Velyov, Arabel Karayan, Stenly, Ostava, Petya Buyuklieva, Boris Karadimchev, Kristina Dimitrova, Margarita Hranova, Aleksandrina Pendachanska, Rosen Milanov, Yulia Hristova, Tedi Katsarova, D2, BTR, Morandi, Yildiz Ibrahimova, Toma Sprostranov, Vasil Petrov, Neli Rangelova.
Politics: Boyko Borisov, Daniel Valchev, Rumen Ovcharov, Tatyana Doncheva, Alexander Bozhkov, Emil Koshlukov, Yuliana Doncheva, Nadezhda Mihaylova, Gergana Grancharova, Georgi Petkanov, Konstantin Trenchev, Stefan Tafrov, Asen Agov, Mario Tagarinski, Martin Zaimov, U.S. Ambassador John Beyrle, Nikolay Vasilev.
Sports: Titi Papazov, Neshka Robeva, Yordan Yovchev, Lili Ignatova, Magdalena Maleeva, Maria Grozdeva.
Journalism: Misha Glenny, Dimitar Tsonev, Ivan Garelov, Martin Karbovski, Georgi Milkov, Milen Tsvetkov, Martin Zahariev, Asen Grigorov, Georgi Koritarov, Niki Kanchev, Nayo Titsin, Radina Chervenova, Radinela Buserska, Spas Kiosev, Koprinka Chervenkova, Vyara Ankova, Boyko Vasilev;
Cinema: Kiera Chaplin, Ben Cross, Jackie Stoev, Johnny Penkov, Todor Kolev, Plamen Maslarov, Agitprop: Andrey Paunov, Bobby Despotov, Boris Misirkov, Georgi Bogdanov and Martichka Bozhilova, Spaniard Camila Bossa, Indian Srinivasa Manndzhapurtu, ‘The World is Big and salvation Lurks Around the Corner’: Stefan Kitanov, Stefan Vaqldobrev, Ana Papadopoulou and Hristo Mutafchiev;
Literature: Georgi Gospodinov, Alek Popov, Georgi Lozanov, Stefan Tsanev, Michael Cremo, Baroness Nadine de Rothschild;
Theatre: Kamen Donev, Hristo Mutafchiev, Teddy Moskov, Yavor Gardev, Ivan Stanev, Stoyan Radev, Nikola Anastasov, Vladimir Penev, Svetlana Yancheva, Stefania Koleva, Nona Iotova, Silvia Lulcheva, Kristina Yaneva, Elena Ivanova, Vladimir Lyutskanov, Asen Blatechki, Thierry Harcourt, Vlado Karamazov and Yulian Vergov, Ilka Zafirova;
Producing: Tsonko Tsonev, Dimitar Kovachev-Funky and Ivan Nestorov-Amoeba, Stanislava Armutlieva;
Fine arts, sculpture and photography: Nikola Karamfilov, Ventsi Zankov, Gredi Assa, Georgi Chapkanov, Ivo Hadzhimishev;
Fashion: Zheni Kalkandzhieva, Gergana Polezhanova, Miss Bulgaria 2007;
Dancing: Dilyana Nikiforova, HaviKoro, Pambos and many others.
For the new season the show ‘Noshtni ptici’ has been supplied with a new set, designed by the artist Nikolay Ninov and made by the production facility of BNT headed by Dimo Kostadinov, and a new lead-in and caches made by Ivo Seferov and Creative Studio, and a new member has been added to the band – Borislav Boyadzhiev drums and percussions.
The individual parts of the show: ‘Portrait’, ‘Premiere’, ‘Bookstore’, ‘Spirit of the Bottle’, ‘Surprise’, ‘Stranger’, ‘Dangerous Liaisons’, ‘Karaoke’, ‘Art in the Evening’, ‘Nursery’, ‘Hidden Trump’ and ‘Test’ present the guests in a different light, separating the conversation with them in relevant parts. A stooge is present in the audience (‘Hidden Trump’), the show organizes a literary (‘Bookstore’) and wine (‘Spirit of the Bottle’) club where it presents the favorite books and drinks of the guest. Which theaters, night clubs, concert halls and cinemas the guest visits you can understand from ‘Art in the Evening’. ‘Nursery’ takes the guest back to his childhood, mischief and memories, while ‘Dangerous Liaisons’ reveals the friendships, loves and important people in his life. Sometimes Iskra makes a psychological or another test of her guests (‘Test’), sometimes the guests sing (‘Karaoke’). In ‘Portrait’ Iskra summarizes what we have already learned about the person who is a guest of ‘Noshtni ptici’.
In the new season the show ‘Noshtni ptici’ has been visited by the following guests: Deep Zone Project, DJ Balthazar and Ioanna together with Krum; Eugene Dainov together with Vladimir Dainov, the band ‘Masters’ and Dimitar Kovachev – Funky; Doncho Papazov with Yana and Viktor Papazovs and Nikolay Iotov; Dragomir Simeonov and Stanislava Gancheva from ‘Flight over Night’, together with Grandpa Petko and Georgi Lubenov; Kiril Donchev, together with Itzhak Finzi, Anthony and George Donchev and Antoaneta Bachurova; Iliana Raeva with Elizabet Paisieva and D-r Nikola Grigorov; Maxim Minchev with Yuri Lazarov, Gergana Grancharova and Janet Zaharieva; Orlin Goranov with Alexander Krunev and Kristina Dimitrova; Meglena Plugchieva with Venelina Gocheva and Prof. Ludmil Boyadzhiev, Vyara Ankova, Boyko Vasilev, Agitprop, Nona Iotova, Camila Bossa, Nelly Rangelova, Misha Glenny and ‘The World is Big and Salvation Lurks Around the Corner’.
E-mail: pticite@gmail.com
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