Пътна настилка поглъща азотния оксид
Предаване: Зелена светлина, 21.11.2018
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E-mail: zelena_svetlina@bnt.bg
“Зелена светлина” е проект копродукция на БНТ с фондация “Кредо бонум”, посветен на околната среда, промяната на света и научните открития. Кратките, но много съдържателни материали в рубриката за политиките, изобретенията и нововъведенията, които правят от планетата ни едно по-добро място за живеене, можете да следите от понеделник до петък, три пъти дневно.
Проблемите, засягащи околната среда, са известни. Търсят се решения. А място за тях има – най-вече в “Зелена светлина”. Усет към истинските неща от света около нас и повече отговорност към тях – в тази посока реално е насочена зелената ни светлина. Което не пречи да я харесате и виртуално във Фейсбук.Очакваме и вашите зелени новини, мнения, кампании и инициативи.‘Zelena Svetlina’ is a co-production of BNT and CredoBonum Foundation. The joint project is dedicated to the environment, changes in the world, and scientific discoveries; presenting short, but informative materials featuring policies, inventions and innovations that make our planet a better place to live.
Watch from Monday to Friday, three times daily: first at 7:30; then immediately after the programme ‘Oshte ot Denya’ (‘More from the Day’); and finally after the 22:30 news.
In addition, every Tuesday at 08.50, the breakfast programme ‘Denyat Zapochva’ (‘The Day Begins’) features ecological topics in the section ‘Zelena Svetlina – na Fokus’ (‘Green Light – In Focus’).
The focus of ‘Zelena Svetlina’ is on environmental issues and their solutions. The show puts them in the public spotlight, by giving informative insights into the real happenings in the world surrounding us and encourages a more responsible attitude – this is the path ‘Zelena Svetlina’ will take you on.
Follow our stories on Facebook.
We welcome your green news, opinions, campaigns and initiatives.
Contact us: zelena_svetlina@bnt.bg
‘Zelena Svetlina’ is a co-production of BNT and CredoBonum Foundation. The joint project is dedicated to the environment, changes in the world, and scientific discoveries; presenting short, but informative materials featuring policies, inventions and innovations that make our planet a better place to live.
Watch from Monday to Friday, three times daily: first at 7:30; then immediately after the programme ‘Oshte ot Denya’ (‘More from the Day’); and finally after the 22:30 news.
In addition, every Tuesday at 08.50, the breakfast programme ‘Denyat Zapochva’ (‘The Day Begins’) features ecological topics in the section ‘Zelena Svetlina – na Fokus’ (‘Green Light – In Focus’).
The focus of ‘Zelena Svetlina’ is on environmental issues and their solutions. The show puts them in the public spotlight, by giving informative insights into the real happenings in the world surrounding us and encourages a more responsible attitude – this is the path ‘Zelena Svetlina’ will take you on.
Follow our stories on Facebook.
We welcome your green news, opinions, campaigns and initiatives.
Contact us: zelena_svetlina@bnt.bg
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