Hungarian court jails 3 Bulgarians to 25 years for death of 71 migrants

A Hungarian court on 14th of June sentenced three Bulgarian nationals and one Afghan to 25 years in prison in connection to the deaths of 71 migrants...

19:03, 14.06.2018
Hungarian court jails 3 Bulgarians to 25 years for death of 71 migrants

A Hungarian court on 14th of June sentenced three Bulgarian nationals and one Afghan to 25 years in prison in connection to the deaths of 71 migrants, who 3 years ago were found suffocated at the back of a lorry. A total of 14 were accused of human traficking, most of which were Bulgarians.

The prosecution sought 16 years of imprisonment for the rest of the group.

The victims are from Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan. Their bodies were found in a hermetically sealed lorry on a motorway in Austria. According to the investigators, the migrants died on Hungarian territory and therefore the court process took place in Hungary.

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