The specialized court refused to release the former mayor of Galiche village, Tsenko Chokov. The defense said that he had stayed in custody too long and suggested that each day behind bars was a violation of his rights. Lawyer Ivo Naydenov even cited the...

The specialized court refused to release the former mayor of Galiche village, Tsenko Chokov. The defense said that he had stayed in custody too long and suggested that each day behind bars was a violation of his rights. Lawyer Ivo Naydenov even cited the practice of the court in Strasbourg and said he did not want to pay if the country is sentenced because of violated human rights of Chokov.
The former mayor and his son Martin are accused of being part of a criminal group that was dealing with usury, coercion in the form of intimidation and setting cars on fire.
The defence believes there is no risk of absconding if the two were released.
Father and son Chokovi have explained to the court that they want to be free because they have a business in farming nad many people rely on them. Now is the time for processing of the land and the land owners expected to receive the rent.
The prosecution said the two should remain in custody. The court complied with this argument and said that they would remain in custody.
This decision prompted the defense to comment that it was taken under pressure, especially after the inspection carried out in the Specialised Court which ended with proposals for punishments.
The inspection was initiated in relation to the assignment of the team of judges to the case of the mayor of Galiche, Tsenko Chokov and his son.
On 13th of February 2017, the Specialized Court of Appeals ruled to release Tsenko Chokov from custody on bail of 10 000 BGN. The decision triggered a protest by some residents of Galiche village.
Tsenko Chokov, the mayor of the Bulgarian village of Galiche in the Northern Bulgarian district of Vratsa, one of his sons and 10 other people were detained in a specialized police operation on 26th of May.
According to information from the prosecutor’s office, the mayor was suspected for being involved in an organized criminal group for frauds and setting cars on fire.
The mayor of Galiche had been investigated for alleged involvement in a criminal group for usury, coercion in the form of intimidation and setting cars on fire.
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