17 people arrested in Bourgas region for vote buying

16:20, 16.10.2023
17 people arrested in Bourgas region for vote buying
Image: BTA/archive

13 days before the local elections, the police in the coastal city of Bourgas launched a large-scale operation against vote buying. 17 people have been detained throughout the district. Nine pre-trial proceedings have been opened under the supervision of the District Prosecutor's Office in Bourgas. In addition to private addresses, shops and points of sale of ferrous and non-ferrous metals are being searched.

Since early this morning the police have blocked the Bourgas quarter. "Gorno Ezerovo". They took out five detainees from several addresses on suspicion of vote trading.

"The schemes are basically giving credit or providing food and products in shops and in some other way engaging people with the financial side so that they can be used at a convenient moment, engaged in voting for certain parties," said Commissioner Marin Dimitrov, head of the Security Police Department at the Bourgas Police Department.

Police are checking both the suspects' homes and the cars used by the families. Food shops in the vicinity are also under the target of the checks.

-BNT: Why are the police checking the shop?

- I don't know, some kind of check for the election.

-BNT: Are votes traded here in the shop?

- No, no, there's no such thing, at least I haven't heard.

-BNT: Does the check surprise you?

- Well, they come from time to time."

Residents of the neighbourhood deny voting for a fee.

- "BNT: How do you explain then the presence of so many police officers since this morning, some people were detained?

- I don't know, I don't take money. I go to cast my vote with joy," said Maria Boyazhieva, a resident of the quarter. "Gorno Ezerorovo."

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