47 year old man from Blagoevgrad dies 6 days after receiving Astra Zeneca vaccine against Covid-19

17:17, 17.03.2021
47 year old man from Blagoevgrad dies 6 days after receiving Astra Zeneca vaccine against Covid-19

A 47-year-old man died at his home in Blagoevgrad 6 days after he was vaccinated with a vaccine from the batch of Astra Zeneca, which was banned the next day.

Hours before he died, he called his mother and complained that he was not feeling well and was suffocating.

He called 112 shortly before midnight. The Emergency Centfre in Blagoevgrad said that after arriving at the address, the man had already died.

A relative of the deceased, who was vaccinated at the same time as he was, said he had no health issues.

Speaking to BNT on March 17, the director of the Regional Health Inspectorate in Blagoevgrad, Dr. Kaloyan Kaloyanov ,confirmed that the man was vaccinated on March 11 at the regional health inspectorate. He came to the vaccination office without preliminary registration. He was vaccinated from the batch of Astra Zeneca, which was banned the next day, March 12.

The cause of death of the 47-year-old man will be subject to an investigation.

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