Iliana Iotova is Bulgaria’s new Vice-President. She assumed office on 22nd of January 2017. Iotova was the running mate of President Roumen Radev who won the November 2016 presidential elections. She has a Master's degree in Bulgarian and...

Iliana Iotova is Bulgaria’s new Vice-President. She assumed office on 22nd of January 2017.
Iotova was the running mate of President Roumen Radev who won the November 2016 presidential elections.
She has a Master's degree in Bulgarian and French language and literature, Sofia University (1983-1989). Ecole nationale d'administration (ENA), Strasbourg (since 2007).
In her early career, Iotova worked as a reporter, editor and head of directorate of 'News and current affairs programmes' in the public service broadcaster Bulgarian National Television (1990-1997).
From 19997 – 2007 she was the Head of the Press Office of the Supreme Council of the Bulgarian Socialist Party. She was a member of the Supreme Council of the Bulgarian Socialist Party (since 2000). Deputy Chairwoman of the Sofia city organisation of the Bulgarian Socialist Party (since 2006). MP in the 40th National Assembly of the Republic of Bulgaria (2005-2007).
Iliana Iotova was a Member of the European Parliament (since 2007), Member of the Socialist Group.
Iotova served on the Committee on the Internal Market and Consumer Protection (2007-2009), the Committee on Fisheries (2009-2014) and the Committee on Petitions (2009-2014). From 2012 to 2013, she was also a member of the Special Committee on Organised Crime, Corruption and Money Laundering. She also served on the Committee on Employment and Social Affairs and the Committee on Civil Liberties, Justice and Home Affairs.
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