Bulgaria and North Macedonia sign three memoranda after the meeting of the two governments

23:46, 25.01.2022
Bulgaria and North Macedonia sign three memoranda after the meeting of the two governments

Speaking at a briefing on January 25, the Prime Ministers of the Republic of Bulgaria, Kiril Petkov and the Republic of Northern Macedonia, Dimitar Kovachevski, announced the highlights after today's joint meeting of the two governments in Sofia.

A face-to-face meeting was held between the two prime ministers before the meeting.

Following the joint government meeting, the official documents signed between the two countries were:

  • Memorandum of Understanding on cooperation in the field of agriculture
  • Memorandum of Understanding on the development of transport - the railway line Sofia - Skopje
  • Memorandum of Understanding to support and promote small and medium-sized enterprises

When at the first meeting we have three real signed memoranda on many key and important issues, this is an example of a new approach with new energy and real results. The ministers presented at least 10 real tasks they set. I am pleased to say that the next meeting of these working groups is only a week away. The group on historical issues will have at least 3 meetings in the coming months. There are huge synergies and advantages if there is good neighbourliness, said Prime Minister Kiril Petkov.

These memoranda have a main goal - the economic development of the whole region. This will improve the standard of living. Good neighbourliness will be put on a pedestal, the prime minister stressed.

The transport group shared that corridor number 8 has been out of the European corridors, and today we are returning it to the map. We have a lot to catch up, but I believe we will catch up quickly, Petkov added.

The first group for the economy, especially for energy, tourism now has a plan. This also applies to the culture and education group. We have specific projects, especially in the natural sciences. There is a plan for the experts by sectors. I would also like to thank the joint commission on historical and educational issues, said RNM Prime Minister, Dimitar Kovachevski.

Today, when each group presents results, the commission on historical issues has a different level of enthusiasm and a new regime of work. There will be 3 meetings in 4 months. In order to get the job done, there should be a common constructive framework. Professors on both sides have shown a constructive tone, Prime Minister Kiril Petkov added.

7 days ago we opened a new dialogue. The working groups are led by ministers, which shows political will. But there are also experts from the real sectors. Petkov and I talked about politics both in Skopje and here. If we said that there would be an air link and a success would mean it starts operating on March 1. The criterion for success is to have roads built. Criteria for success is to reach an agreement through a discussion of the commissions and to have the first conference on RNM's bid for membership in the EU, said Kovachevski.

The Ministries of Foreign Affairs will work in parallel on political issues. The good news is that today we set the framework for this common work. We hope that the commission on historical issues will give results in the political aspect.

Everyone in our position knows that there will be crises to solve every day. We are here because we are not afraid of crises and we know how to solve them. On a day like today, we feel that there is a reason to get up in the morning and do this work, said in conclusion Kiril Petkov.

The Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Bulgaria Ivan Ivanov and the Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management of the Republic of North Macedonia Ljupco Nikolovski signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the two ministries for cooperation in the area of agriculture, agricultural sciences, rural areas and forestry.

The document envisions deepening co-operation between the two countries in the field of agriculture through the exchange of scientific and technical information and expert knowledge. Sharing of good practices, development and implementation of joint research projects and cross-border cooperation in the field of rural areas is envisaged.

The Bulgarian side undertakes to share its experience regarding the implementation of the EU Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance.

A plan for the development of the Sofia-Skopje railway project, an assessment of the investment value and a study of funding opportunities from the European Union and international financial institutions are part of the tasks of a joint group of Bulgarian and Macedonian experts. This is provided for in the Memorandum of Understanding on the development of the Sofia-Skopje railway connection between Bulgaria and North Macedonia, as a basis for negotiations. The document was signed by the Minister of Transport and Communications Nikolay Sabev and the Minister of Transport and Communications of the Republic of North Macedonia Blagoy Bochvarski.

The railway connection is of strategic and economic importance for the citizens and economies of the two countries. Its construction will fully integrate the railway networks of the countries in the Trans-European Transport Network.

The Minister of Innovation and Growth Daniel Lorer and the Minister of Economy of the Republic of Northern Macedonia Kreshnik Bektesi signed a Memorandum of Understanding between the Executive Agency for Promotion of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises of Bulgaria and the Agency for Entrepreneurship Promotion of of North Macedonia.

The memorandum will support the development of bilateral economic co-operation between the two countries. Recognizing the strategic importance of the development of small and medium-sized enterprises for increasing employment, economic and social stability, the parties to the memorandum agree to support enterprises from the countries concerned and to establish and maintain various forms of cooperation.

The Memorandum envisages the Executive Agency for Promotion of Small and Medium Sized Enterprises and the Agency for Entrepreneurship Promotion to be partners in the field of development of small and medium sized enterprises, providing real opportunities for expanding business contacts between enterprises on both sides. Commitments are made to exchange business information related to trade, investment opportunities, policies and measures taken by each of the two governments to promote the internationalisation of small and medium-sized enterprises.

The two countries will cooperate in organizing promotional events in favour of the small and medium sized enterprises such as exchanging visits of entrepreneurs, organising their participation in business forums, conferences, seminars, trade fairs, exhibitions, visits of delegations and others.

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