Bulgarian cultural heritage in the films of the famous British TV presenter Bettany Hughes
Nikolay Krastev from BNT met her for an interview at the end of her stay in Bulgaria

The films of the famous British TV presenter, Bettany Hughes, have been watched worldwide by more than 250 million viewers. She presents Bulgarian cultural heritage in an interesting and unusual way.
Bulgarian culture never ceases to impress all foreigners who come to our country. It remains a kind of bridge between modernity and the present. Prof. Bethany Hughes is a professor of medieval history at the leading British universities Cambridge and Oxford. We met her at the end of her trip to Bulgaria, where she is making a new film about the Bulgarian cultural heritage. I asked her at the beginning of our conversation to tell me a little more about what has brought her back to Bulgaria today.
Bettany Hughes, TV presenter: "I'm currently working on a series called 'Treasures of the World'. I wanted to come to Bulgaria because I knew how rich your cultural heritage is. I've been here before as a researcher, doing research for my books, studying the history of the ancient Greeks, the Romans and the Thracians. My first visit was 15 years ago and I was determined to make a TV film about the wonders of Bulgaria. Because what happened in your lands is so important and inspiring for the world."
Bettany Hughes is impressed by the Bulgarian nestinarstvo (barefoot fire-walking on burning embers) and I asked if she has come across any other similar customs in the countries she has filmed her documentaries?
Bethany Hughes, TV presenter: "I have seen people in other countries walking on hot embers. But when we filmed the Bulgarian nestinari (firewalkers – people who walk barefoot on burning embers), it was the first time I was able to see the feet of these men from a close-up. They walked through the fire and their feet were not burned. For me it was a shattering and precious experience, it was very moving. And to think that the Nestinar dances are a tradition that has lasted for centuries - for me, as a historian, it's amazing to be able to observe that."
Bettany Hughes herself tells how she used to dance the Bulgarian traditional ‘horo’ dance:
"When we were filming the Nestinari (firewalking), people invited me to join in the traditional dances, and I really love dancing, I wouldn't have refused, it would have been rude, and the cameras were filming... so I joined in the ‘horo’ dance, I danced for about three hours without breaking the circle. It was unusual, really, but the people in the village welcomed me so well, it was as if they had all embraced me at the same time. It was an honour to visit them."
Undoubtedly, the Bishop's Basilica in Plovdiv and its floor mosaics in one of the most ancient cities not only in Bulgaria, but also in the Balkans, have aroused the greatest interest among foreign visitors to the country recently. She and the team have photographed there.
Bettany Hughes, TV presenter: "The Bishop's Basilica of ancient Philippopolis in Plovdiv, with the floor mosaics that are so well preserved, the amazing images of birds and the beautiful decorations from early Christianity - it was so exciting to film there. It's a unique place, I've never seen anything else like it. Such a discovery is really extraordinary."
Bettany Hughes manages to narrate and show Bulgaria very successfully to the Western viewer:
"I'm from the UK and this programme will of course be shown in my country, but it will also be available to watch in 120 other countries around the world. I think we humans are curious by nature and it's great to learn about other places and cultures. And here it is - the oldest processed gold in the world has been discovered in Bulgaria, in Varna. If you ask someone where the oldest processed gold is, they will probably tell you - well, in South America, Eldorado, or Egypt, but no - it is here, in Bulgaria. Your country is full of secrets and surprises and intriguing historical details that the world needs to know about."
The British Ambassador to Bulgaria, Rob Dixon, at the end of his diplomatic mission, talks about cultural diplomacy and its importance for understanding and strengthening ties between UK and Bulgaria.
Rob Dixon, UK Ambassador to Bulgaria: "Cultural diplomacy is an important part of the job of an ambassador and of any diplomat. Ultimately, it is about contact and learning about other cultures so that you can explain them to the political leaders in your country. Getting a sense of what forces are driving society in a country, cultural diplomacy - that's at the heart of what I do. Building an understanding of the traditions, culture and history of a people is very important because these things are inspiring. Bettany Hughes' film about Bulgaria's treasures will attract many tourists and visitors to Bulgaria, precisely because it will spark their interest. This is my job as well."
Images by BNT, BTA, BGNES/archive
Ambassador Dixon is convinced that the British can see a lot in Bulgaria:
"Oh, it's really hard for me to say. I am a great lover of the mountains and I love the Rhodopes. Spending a day or two there in spring or summer is unique, there's no other place like it. But there is so much more to see in Bulgaria. And this film series will bring the general public more understanding, I hope it will continue."
At the end of our meeting, Bettany Hughes said:
"Bulgaria's cultural heritage is so rich and diverse, there is a huge amount of archaeological research here, more than any other country I have been to. I love that people here are so proud of their history and culture. There is a living passion for cultural heritage here."
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