At a press conference on 6th June, Sergei Stanishev, the leader of the ruling Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) said that most likely early elections should be held in the autumn. The press conference was in response to the position of the partner in the...

19:37, 06.06.2014

At a press conference on 6th June, Sergei Stanishev, the leader of the ruling Bulgarian Socialist Party (BSP) said that most likely early elections should be held in the autumn. The press conference was in response to the position of the partner in the ruling coalition, the liberal ‘Movement for Rights and Freedoms’, which on 5th June proposed three scenarios for early elections. Stanishev urged for legislative changes and constitutional amendments related to introduction of compulsory voting.

BSP leader admitted that MRF proposal for early elections took him by surprise, although earlier he had met and talked with the MRF leader, Lyutvi Mestan. Stanishev said that one year before, BSP took the heavy responsibility to form a government as the party that came second in the general elections in May 2013. As one of the reasons for the dis-satisfactory election result of the left wing BSP, Stanishev referred to the perception that BSP beared the whole responsibility for the power, but did not govern.

Stanishev remarked that setting deadlines to end the term of office and early elections would demotivate the current ministers and the state administration and would hamper reforms. He said that BSP was never afraid of any elections, including early ones and added that BSP would hold consultations with the political partners and other parties regarding the most appropriate timing. According to him, elections should not be postponed if there isn’t sufficient legitimacy and public support for the government.

In response to one of the scenarios proposed by MRF (on 5th June) for early elections to take place at the end of November or beginning of December this year, Stanishev said that the state budget for the next year needed to be passed by a newly elected Parliament.

Stanishev said he would seek the support of other political parties regarding the compulsory voting. In response to comments that this may reduce the electoral weight of MRF, Stanishev replied that it was not clear which party would gain or lose from such a change.

On Tuesday 10th Juine, the plenum of the left wing BSP will discuss the situation in the party and the future of the cabinet.

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