Cabinet allocates BGN 32 million for the purchase of modernised passenger carriages for the Bulgarian railway company BDZ

An extraordinary meeting of the Denkov cabinet was held on April 1. The reason was making important decisions to ensure a smooth transition to the work of the caretaker cabinet, outgoing Prime Ministe, Nikolai Denkov, said before the meeting.
Today's extraordinary government meeting, the ambitious task of which was to raise incomes in the fields of education and culture and launch reproductive health programmes, lasted an hour and a half, outgoing Prime Minister, Nikolai Denkov, said.
This week the government will meet twice. The unusual schedule is due to unfinished tasks facing the Denkov cabinet, outgoing Prime Minister announced:
"We are committed to completing the maximum number of tasks and ensuring a smooth transition to the work of the caretaker government."
The government approved 72 million BGN extra to the budgets of the education ministry, culture ministry and municipalities to increase the salaries of activities for museums, galleries, libraries and community centres. The cabinet allocated another BGN 32 million to the Bulgarian Railway Company BDZ for the purchase of 76 modernised passenger carriages from Deutsche Bahn.
Further 15 million BGN were approved for the health ministry for screening of diseases related to children's health and women's reproductive health.
"This measure is related to solving the demographic crisis in the country," Denkov said.
The government has adopted the procedure for putting the automated system for issuing the so-called "blue card" into operation. The blue card enables foreigners from non-EU countries to work in the country.
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