Cabinet authorises up to 4 warships to participate in Mine Counter Measures Task Group Black Sea

18:15, 30.05.2024
Cabinet authorises up to 4 warships to participate in Mine Counter Measures Task Group Black Sea

The caretaker government on May 30 adopted a decision authorising the deployment and use outside the territory of the country of up to four warships (frigates with up to 153 crew members and minesweepers with up to 50 crew members) to participate in the implementation of tasks agreed upon in the Memorandum of Understanding on the Establishment of the Mine Counter Measures Task Group Black Sea, signed on January 11 by Bulgaria, Turkey and Romania.

Bulgaria, Romania and Turkey establish Mine Countermeasures Naval Group to tackle increased mine threat in the Black Sea

The warships will carry out tasks in accordance with the Memorandum in the internal maritime waters, territorial sea, contiguous zone and exclusive economic zone of the parties to the Memorandum.

The decision also allows the deployment of up to 10 military personnel from the Armed Forces of Bulgaria to positions as part of the Mine Countermeasures Naval Group in the Black Sea on the territory of Romania and/or Turkey.

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