Caretaker Minister of Interior refers the Chief Prosecutor to a Prosecutor

15:45, 23.07.2021
Caretaker Minister of Interior refers the Chief Prosecutor to a Prosecutor

Caretaker Minister of Interior Boyko Rashkov will refer Chief Prosecutor Ivan Geshev to a prosecutor, this became clear during the hearing of Rashkov and caretaker Minister of Justice, Yanaki Stoilov, in the Parliament on July 23.

The signal that the acting Interior Minister Boyko Rashkov will submit to the Prosecutor's office is based on his data that violations of the nature of crimes were committed by the chief prosecutor during the disclosure of evidence gathered with special intelligence-gathering devices in various pre-trial proceedings. According to Boyko Rashkov, this is a clear violation of the law and this should be investigated. They say that after the decision of the constitutional court, any prosecutor can initiate pre-trial proceedings against the chief prosecutor. He will pass this signal to a specific prosecutor after today's parliamentary sitting.

Commenting the decision of the Supreme Judicial Council to reject the proposal for the dismissal of Chief Prosecutor Ivan Geshev from the post, Rashkov said that the decision was expected and “I announced it a long time ago”, said the caretaker Minister of Interior.

"The Arguments are not arguments of lawyers, I say this categorically. I consider this behaviour of the members of the SJC as absolute irresponsibility. For me they are not at the level of the Constitution and the law, which provide for that the members of the SJC can only be highly professional officials. with moral qualities," commented Boyko Rashkov.

According to him, the members of the Supreme Judicial Council have long received various signals from bar associations and other professional organizations related to violations by the Prosecutor General, but have deliberately ignored them.

"After that, the SJC cannot answer that their term by law has expired," the interior minister added.

In the plenary hall during today's hearing, Boyko Rashkov, also stressed that his signal against the Prosecutor General, submitted to the SJC by the caretaker Minister of Justice, was prepared last year and was preceded by several signals from various organizations. He explained that he deliberately waited for the elections to pass so that his actions would not be interpreted as a political act.

"This is not a political document," Rashkov told lawmakers. The signal is oriented towards the behaviour of the Chief Prosecutor of the Republic, the Minister pointed out and explained that it is based on "the free and inconsistent with the law disclosure of data collected with special intelligence-gathering devices".

"And since you will ask me if journalists have been eavesdropped, I will answer - yes, they have been eavsedroped," said Boyko Rashkov.

According to him, the Chief Prosecutor has shown double standards in his work, and signals about it have come from different places since his nomination was discussed, but no one paid attention to them.

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