Chief State Health Inspector: Flu cases started to rise, more districts expected to declare epidemic next week

We are in the initial phase of the flu epidemic. Since Smolyan district has announced the beginning of the flu wave, we can say that we are in an epidemic situation, chief state health inspector, Assoc. Professor, Angel Kunchev, told BNT breakfast programme on January 19.
Bulgaria’s Smolyan district declares flu epidemic as of Jan 18
According to his words, the districts with a higher incidence of the disease are Plovdiv, Pazardzhik, Yambol, Pleven, Sofia disrict, Gabrovo.
"Other districts may declare flu epidemic next week," the chief state health inspector stressed.
He explained that while there are many similarities between COVID-19 and flu symptoms, there are some specific differences. The flu can come on suddenly.
"In most cases, the early signs of flu, in the first one or two hours, are sudden fatigue, fever, headache, it is difficult to suppress them. After that or in parallel, the symptoms include cough, runny nose, stuffy nose. For the treatment of influenza, it is very important to apply antiviral agents, which are quite effective. If taken the first 48 hours, they almost cope with the disease, the important thing is to be on time. Therefore, general practitioners should also be able to tell the difference influenza and Covid-19 to prescribe adequate therapy. Let me stress that flu is not treated with an antibiotics. Taking antibiotics when you have a flu virus may do more harm than good, " the Chief State Health Inspector added.
The tests, which are sold in pharmacies, should be applied at least 24 hours after the onset of the illness to have a realistic result, said Assoc. Prof. Kunchev.
"The measures being imposed are not a surprise. Activities that can be postponed – planned consultations, elective surgery, visits to patients in hospitals - are being limited in order to reduce the intensity of the epidemic. I am under no illusion that whatever anti-epidemic measures are taken can stop an epidemic that spreads by airborne means, especially influenza, which is quickly and easily transmitted. Our aim is to prevent an incidence of 500 to 600 infections per 10,000 population in order not not to overload the health system and the hospitals as is happening in Smolyan," he said.
Assoc. Kunchev recommended wearing masks indoors and especially in health facilities.
"In health care facilities, whether it is a polyclinic or a hospital, it is more than necessary to wear a mask, it is in our best interest. People are tired of the measures, but wearing a mask when you enter a room with sick people waiting is more than logical," he stressed.
A flu epidemic has been declared in Smolyan for two days, but schools have not closed for a flu break.
"There is an impression from the last few years that if there is a flu epidemic - automatically all students go on a break, but this is not the case. Decisions are made with local RHIs based on absenteeism and it's mostly with younger students, for understandable reasons. My colleagues and I are trying not to go after the events, if the incidence grows we will exempt children from school attendance, better to reduce the number of sick, rather than half of them getting sick and being home sick," he added.
He explained that influenza cases are noe prevailing and cases of Covid-19 are significantly less.
"At the beginning of January, both Covid-19 and the flu and other respiratory infections were circulating in parallel. With the start of the flu epidemic, the H1N1-Victoria flu has taken over and the infection rate of coronavirus is much less - less than a quarter of those who are ill have Covid-19 compared to those who are ill with flu."
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