Deputy Minister for e-Governance: Decision on voting machines certification has been issued

23:18, 27.10.2023
Deputy Minister for e-Governance: Decision on voting machines certification has been issued

"A decision has been issued for the certification of the technical compliance of the voting machines. The decision has been sent to the Central Election Commission. All possible tests have been done. There are no findings about any doubts that these machines do not meet the requirements and that they cannot be used to vote legitimately," Deputy Minister of e-Governance Mihail Stoynov said on October 27.

According to him, not a single reason has been found not to certify the e-voting machines.

"I am personally responsible for the process. I state clearly and responsibly that neither I, nor the experts, found a single reason why the voting machines should not be certified. I am not familiar with the report by the State Agency for National Security (SANS). I will comment after the checks are completed," added Mihail Stoynov.

He stressed that the machines are fit for voting.

"During the inspections there are many reports, protocols and many screenshots were taken. The process has been repeated many times by different experts and this is documented. I have no reason to sabotage the process, let the necessary checks be assigned," said Stoynov.

"The protected environment is under constant video surveillance of all actions and all people, there are also panoramic recordings, there is duly documented evidence, the Deputy Minister exercises the control. A number of Ministry of e-Government officials have given explanations and testimonies through the relevant offices. None of us have been charged with any offence. There has been no downloading of data. The information assets that have been made available to us are on technical media, they do not leave the authentication hall," noted Angel Petrov, Secretary General of the Ministry.

Central Election Commision decided: Voting will be conducted only with paper ballots in the upcoming local elections

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