Flu epidemic declared in Sofia district

15:22, 25.01.2024
Flu epidemic declared in Sofia district

Sofia district declared an influenza epidemic from 25 January to 1 February inclusive. Temporary anti-epidemic measures will be adjusted accordingly in relation to the development of the flu activity.

Seven of the 28 districts in the country have so far declared flu epidemic - Pleven, Smolyan, Plovdiv, Gabrovo, and from today the temporary anti-epidemic measures are also in force in Sofia-region, Varna and Burgas. Elective consultations for children and healthy pregnant women, routine medical checkups and compulsory immunisation and reimmunisation procedures have been suspended.

Flu epidemic declared in seven districts in Bulgaria, Yambol and Pernik also expected to introduce measures

Visits to hospitals and social institutions for care of children and the elderly are prohibited. In spite of the declared influenza epidemic, students will continue to attend classes.

Doctors advise to seek medical help at the first symptoms and not to resort to self-treatment.


Sofia district is a spearate district from Sofia city.

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