GERB-UDF and MRF propose a ban on gambling advertising in media

GERB-UDF and the Movement for Rights and Freedoms (MRF) propose a ban on gambling advertising in the media.
"Today, April 24, Mr. Yordan Tsonev and I have submitted a proposal for amendments to the Gambling Act. These amendments are dictated by the need to protect the public interest. Over the last three years, gambling addictions have increased in our society. This has made it necessary to take appropriate measures to curb them. We propose: regulation of gambling, advertising, distribution of the contribution," said Temenuzhka Petkova - GERB-UDF.
"The bill envisages several measures. The first - gambling halls to be only in settlements with more than 5,000 inhabitants. It is known that there are 1,100 gambling halls in Bulgaria. It also proposes increase in the size of the investment for future licensees for gambling activity. The most important part of this bill is limiting advertising. The draft proposes bans on advertising on television, in the media, including online, print and all types of media. Advertising will be allowed only on billboards and away from schools and other public facilities. It prohibits advertising on public buildings. The ban will not apply for sports equipment, and that which is not intended for minors, in sports venues. Advertising will be allowed in sports halls. The draft also envisages for measures for treatment of this addiction," said Yordan Tsonev - MRF.
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