Head of NCIPD: There is a risk of pertussis epidemic in the coming weeks

21:06, 19.04.2024
Head of NCIPD: There is a risk of pertussis epidemic in the coming weeks

There is a risk of a pertussis (whooping cough) epidemic, we are in an epidemic situation, the cases will increase, the director of the National Centre for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, Assoc. Prof. Iva Hristova told BNT on April 19.

According to her, almost half of the districts in the country have already reported cases of the disease, and in the coming weeks the remaining districts are likely to register outbreaks.

"There are over 250 cases of pertussis in the country, 205 were till last week. The first two cases are in one month old babies, i.e. before the time for the first immunisation. Apart from that, at this age children are extremely defenceless - the immune system is immature. Children need to be protected and people around them need to be vaccinated."

Two babies died of whooping cough in Kyustendil

The two babies who died were probably infected by an adult around them in whom the infection was asymptomatic, said Dr. Hristova.

"It is mainly schoolchildren between the ages of 6 and 12 who are sick - between the second and third immunisation. However, their parents, grandparents also can get ill. The clinical picture is different. The typical for unvaccinated people is a very strong coughing attack, which leads to shortness of breath, bulging of the eyes and veins."

There is no such cough in infants, but there is shortness of breath and this occurs without raising a temperature.

"Early symptoms include low-grade fever, runny nose, mild occasional cough, and fatigue. The high temperature passes, but later after the first syptoms, people may develop coughing fits, which are possible to last for several weeks. It is important when a child coughs for more than a week not to wait, but to seek diagnosis and treatment. Pertussis is a bacterial infection and is treatable with antibiotics," explained Assoc. Prof. Hristova.

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