"Lukoil Neftohim" denies circumventing EU embargo on Russian oil products

17:15, 09.11.2023
"Lukoil Neftohim" denies circumventing EU embargo on Russian oil products
Image: archive/BGNES

Alexander Velichkov, deputy chairman of the supervisory board of Lukoil Neftochim Burgas, denied that the Burgas refinery was circumventing the European Union's embargo on Russian oil products.

Such a claim appeared in an article by “Politico”, which referred to a joint investigation by the NGO Global Witness, the think-tanks Centre for the Study of Democracy in Bulgaria and the Centre for Research on Energy and Clean Air, Finland (CREA).

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According to the publication, Russia has gained around €1 billion in this way.

"The suggestion that the Lukoil group is somehow violating and/or circumventing the embargo is factually absolutely false. In the publication, if we talk about the facts and the two tankers cited, the truth is very simple. The refinery has certain quotas of products it is allowed to export. One of the tankers is just such a product, namely low-octane gasoline, which it can export. As for the other product, the 2014 regulation itself refers to specific types of products with customs codes. We have only exported authorised products," Alexander Velichkov told BNR on November 9.

Source: BNR

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