Minister of Interior thanks firefighting teams from Spain and Czech Republic for the assistance in dealing with wildfires in Bulgaria

14:42, 23.07.2024
Minister of Interior thanks firefighting teams from Spain and Czech Republic for the assistance in dealing with wildfires in Bulgaria

"Thank you all for the incredible help you have given our country in the fight against the wildfires. Thanks to all of you, we have prevented any loss of life. Together we have proved that the EU is a powerful machine."

With these words, Caretaker Minister of Interior, Kalin Stoyanov, addressed the military and firefighting teams from the Czech Republic and Spain who came to help Bulgaria in extinguishing the massive wildfires in many places in the country. The ceremony for the foreign firefighting teams that arrived in Bulgaria and assisted in dealing with the raging wildfires was held at Plovdiv airport on July 23.

Teams from the Czech Republic and Spain with two helicopters and two planes came to assist their Bulgarian counterparts in the fight against fires in the country last week. Help also came from Turkey.

According to the minister's assessment, the Bulgarian teams are in no way inferior to their peers from the Czech Republic and Spain. Kalin Stoyanov also commented on the situation with the wildfire in Greece burning close to the border with Bulgaria: "Everything is under control there. Everything necessary has been done".

"The fire is not expected to reach the Bulgarian border in the next two days, Stoyanov added. In his words, there are old minefields, from the past, in the area - both on Bulgarian and Greek territory. A human foot cannot step there. We have made the necessary fire lines," the minister assured.

Images by Nikolai Raishinov

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