Nine settlements in Veliko Turnovo distrcit will remain in the dark for fifth night after the heavy snowfall

Teams are working around the clock to fix the serious problems

18:00, 29.11.2023
Nine settlements in Veliko Turnovo distrcit will remain in the dark for fifth night after the heavy snowfall
Image: BTA

Nine settlements in Veliko Turnovo district will spend another night without electricity. Teams of the electricity distribution company continue to work today, November 29, in the land of the village of Varbitsa, where a broken pole and a broken transmission line were replaced. However, the broken cables in the affected villages have yet to be replaced.

Residents of six villages in the region of gorna Oryanovitsa were assured yesterday that electricity would be back on by the evening, but this never happened.

The educational process in Veliko Turnovo municipality is being restored.

Dozens of elderly lonely people, as well as families with small children, are without electricity for the fifth day.

Styliana Stratieva: "We went to the living room at night with the baby to sleep in a warm room at least, because there is a fire place. It's good that the father can charge batteries at the company where he works. In the evening we run on batteries at least to have some light, otherwise the child cries in the dark."

The district governor of Veliko Turnovo, Ivaylo Zdravkov, BNT that the roads everywhere in the district are now passable and everything is in the hands of the energy distribution company:

"Only electricity supply needs to be restored in the area, the roads are passable, there is delivered food, social services work, water was delivered too. The roads have been cleared."

By the end of the day, the power supply is expected to be restored everywhere in Gorna Oryahovitsa municipality.

The teams of the electricity distribution company are working around the clock to fix the serious problems, but the wet snow and the strong wind in the past days have broken kilometres of the cables of the electricity network and their complete replacement takes time.

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