Parliament adopted a declaration calling on Skopje to restore dialogue and stop provocative talk (update)

17:47, 26.09.2024
Parliament adopted a declaration calling on Skopje to restore dialogue and stop provocative talk (update)

With 178 votes in favour, Bulgaria’s Parliament unanimously adopted a declaration on the systematic and persistent undermining of the dialogue between the Republic of North Macedonia and the Republic of Bulgaria and provocative and insulting statements against Bulgaria by the ruling political factors in the Republic of North Macedonia.

Political reactions after the news about decoupling Albania-North Macedonia EU accession path

It calls on Skopje to restore the broken dialogue and to stop the provocative talk, expressing strong disagreement with the denial of common history, which constitutes a violation of the Treaty of Good-neighbourliness.

In 3 points the declaration confirms the political intention and aspiration to complete the construction of Pan-European Corridor VIII. It insists on the resumption of the positive dialogue interrupted by the Republic of North Macedonia and the cessation of the anti-Bulgarian campaign and provocative statements against Bulgaria.

It reaffirms the will of the Bulgarian state and institutions to organise joint celebrations of common historical events and personalities, given the rich shared history of the two countries.

The adoption of the declaration came after an extraordinary meeting of the foreign affairs committee convened by its chairman Boyko Borissov.


Albania’s EU accession path will be decoupled from North Macedonia’s.

This became clear after a meeting of the Union's permanent representatives in Brussels, where a unanimous decision was taken to start negotiations with Tirana for full membership.

This should be formalised at the second EU-Albania intergovernmental conference, which will be held in Luxembourg on 15 October.

The first group of negotiating chapters on "Fundamental Issues" is expected to be opened then.

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