Rumen Radev on Schengen: It is high time for Bulgaria to be admitted by land

My position on Schengen is clear, said President Rumen Radev, who participated in the 79th session of the UN General Assembly on September 24.
"Several governments have actively worked on this topic - both caretaker and regular ones. It is high time! Bulgaria has fulfilled all the conditions for joining the Schengen area".
The protection of the EU's external border is a commitment of all member states, not only of those countries that share a common border, President Rumen Radev added.
Today's debate at the UN General Assembly is taking place in the context of interconnected global crises. The world cannot go on like this any longer, he said.
"The ongoing and escalating war in Ukraine has now been joined by the war in the Middle East with an unprecedented humanitarian crisis in Gaza."
He said the UN should work to strengthen the global security environment.
"The main expectations of the world community are mostly related to the deep reform, strengthening the UN capacity for conflict prevention and resolution. For peace consolidation."
Rumen Radev added that Bulgaria has an important role to play in this process.
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