Third temple discovered during excavations on the island of 'Saints Kirik and Julita' near Sozopol

17:57, 12.09.2024
Third temple discovered during excavations on the island of 'Saints Kirik and Julita' near Sozopol

A third temple from the time of the first settlers of Apollonia was discovered by the team of Assoc. Professor Kristina Panayotova during excavations on the 'Saints Kirik and Julita' island off Bulgaria's Black Sea town of Sozopol.

The first temple, the remains of which were found there was of the god Apollo. There are historical sources that prove that the 13-metre statue of Apollo the Healer, the patron saint of the city, was there. Vessels left as offerings in the temple were found at the site, inscribed with his name. When in 72 BC the Romans under Marcus Lucullus conquered Apollonia, they took the colossal sculpture to Rome as an extremely valuable trophy.

According to Assoc. Prof. Panayotova, the second temple may have been of a goddess, probably Aphrodite, but for now there is no definite evidence of this. The third temple now discovered on the island may also be of a goddess, as a hand from a statue that appears to be female was found there. Archaeologists hope to uncover the mystery during the excavation.

All three temples date from the late 6th - early 5th centuries BC. According to Kristina Panayotova, they were erected next to each other within 50 years and have no analogue in our lands.

The island was a sacred place from then until the beginning of the 20th century, says Assoc. Prof. Panayotova. An early Christian basilica was built there - the first in the city, around which there was also a necropolis. According to known historical sources, on the island there was also a monastery with the name ‘Saints Kirik and Julita’. Archaeologists have also started work on another church, and a famous historian in the past mentioned the "small church" St. Paraskeva, which existed until the early 20th century. Assoc. Prof. Kristina Panayotova is convinced that the island of ‘Saints Kirik and Julita’ has always been the sacred place of worship and connection with the gods for the inhabitants of Apollonia and Sozopolis since their arrival in these places.

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