Trade Unions: Cost of living for a family of three in Bulgaria is BGN 2,616 per month
Prices in this country are rising

Prices of many goods in Bulgaria are rising, approaching the EU average. Naturally, the cost of living has also increased proportionally - by 2% per year, and a family of three needs a monthly income of at least 2,616 BGN. The data are from CITUB trade union, presented at a briefing on October 24.
The small basket of goods and services grows minimally in terms of percentages and in terms of BGN, but inexplicably high price values remain in it, said President of CITUB trade union, Plamen Dimitrov. Milk, cow cheese, cucumbers, eggs have the highest values in euros, he added.
According to him, the prices of these products are higher than those in countries such as Germany, the Netherlands and France, which is inexplicable.
Violeta Ivanova, deputy director of the Institute for Social and Trade Union Studies, noted that all those who live on a salary of up to BGN 1,000, which is about 32% of those working or insured, fall into the category of the working poor.
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