Train Departed Station without the Train Manager

The fast train from Bourgas to Sofia departed from the station without the train manager. She caught up with the train after chasing it by car...

17:39, 13.10.2017
Train Departed Station without the Train Manager

The fast train from Bourgas to Sofia departed from the station without the train manager. She caught up with the train after chasing it by car. The incident occurred at Vakarel station on 13th of October.

The Bulgarian Railway Company (BDZ) confirmed that they initiated a check to clarify the circumstances surrounding the incident. The check also includes the rail traffic controller in the railway infrastructure company in order to find out when the signaling for the departure of the train was given.

According to the rules, the train manager is required to give a signal to the traffic controller that the train is ready to depart after the conductors made sure that all passengers got on the train.

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