Vice President Iotova describes as adventurous the decision for households to buy electricity from the free market as of 2026

Vice President, Iliana Iotova, described the decision for household consumers to buy electricity from the free market as of 2026, as being adventurous and overly optimistic.
Household consumers enter the free electricity market in 2026, Parliament decides
In her words, the so-called "Third Energy Package", which liberalises energy and gas suppliers, was voted in 2011, but for 12 years Bulgaria has not built any infrastructure so that it can come into force and be of benefit to the people.
"If it goes on some pilot project that is not well enough provided for the people, there will be very serious failures indeed, because it will only lead to chaos and increase prices for consumers. The idea of this Third Energy Package was to create competition between the different companies so that those who offer the best service in terms of price, or for instance not changing the electricity voltage, not affecting home appliances from voltage variations, being clear about the invoice that you receive, that was an exceptional requirement of this package. In fact, Bulgaria is not ready for this", Iliana Iotova said.
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