WCC-DB sends a signal to the Prosecutor's office for "thuggish approaches in the MRF"

MPs from the parliamentary group of "We Continue the Change - Democratic Bulgaria" sent a signal to the prosecutor's office, in which they demand "a full and comprehensive investigation into the presence of undue influence by certain political circles on representatives of the Bulgarian prosecutor's office, as well as the commission of crimes of office by Bulgarian magistrates and police officers." Here is what the PP-DB writes:
“In recent days, allegations have been made by members and the leadership of the Movement for Rights and Freedoms, which contain information about affecting the independence of the Prosecutor's Office of the Republic of Bulgaria and its use to carry out political orders by coercion, affecting the private property and inviolability of citizens of the Republic of Bulgaria and their families."
On 10 July 2024, a letter by Mr. Ahmed Dogan, the Honorary Chairman of MRF was circulated in the national media which said:
"Never, since its establishment more than 34 years ago, has the Movement for rights and Freedoms used thuggish approaches to intimidate our families, to take away people's business with the prosecution and police services. It is deliberately creating a fear psychosis about people's lives, work and property."
The WCC-DB continued:
"The address contains data in connection with the activities of MP Delyan Peevski and his influence on the prosecutor's office, data on crimes committed in office by magistrates and employees of the Ministry of Interior for the purpose of intimidation, coercion and pressure, property crimes and others."
The signal to the prosecutor's office quotes a statement made by MEP Ilhan Kyuchyuk in an interview with Bulgarian National Radio on 12 July 2024. In response to a question about the influence of MRF and Delyan Peevski on the Bulgarian security services and the prosecutor’s office, Mr. Kyuchyuk stated:
"I don't know to what extent his influence is on these structures in the state, but today we see that they have a particularly active role on our members and supporters, especially on people who have power at the local level - the mayors."
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