Забавните истории на плюшените кукли са изпълнени с много хумор, музика и образователни игри.
След излъчването на първия сезон на кукленото шоу „Благуните“ по БНТ, героите му се превърнаха в любимци на хиляди малки и големи зрители.
Забавните истории на плюшените кукли са заснети в нови тринайсет серии и са изпълнени с много хумор, музика и образователни игри. Всеки епизод разказва различна история, съпроводена с няколко бързо запомнящи се песнички, които учат децата да бъдат по-добри, по-уверени в себе си и по-лесно да се справят с трудностите.
За предстоящите срещи на зрителите с „Благуните“ авторите са подготвили изненада. През втория сезон децата ще могат да надникнат в приказната стая на Гарбър, Елша и духчетата. За целта екипът е изградил нова снимачна площадка и е заложил на модерна снимачна техника.
Автори на музиката са Александър Дойчев и Димо Стоянов – П.И.Ф. Оператор е Стефан Куцаров. Сценарий и режисура Илиян Илиев.
Не пропускайте „Благуните” – сериалът, който е насочен към малчуганите, но успя да задържи пред екрана и техните родители.
On 5th of April from 11 a.m., BNT2 starts airing 13 new episodes of the children’s’ puppet show “Blagunite”.
After the first season of the series on BNT, its characters became popular among young and old viewers. 13 new episodes full of humour, music, educational games and entertaining stories of the puppets will delight the audience. Each episode tells a different story accompanied by several songs, which are easy to memorize and teach children to be good, to develop confidence in their abilities and positive ways to handle challenges.
The second season of ‘Blagunite’ offers a surprise. Children will have the opportunity to peek in the room of the two human-like forest creatures Garber and Elsha and the forest ghosts. To make it possible, the team of the show built a new film set and used modern filming equipment.
The music of the series is composed by Alexander Doichev and the lead singer Dimo Stoyanov from the Bulgarian alternative rock band P.I.F.
Stefan Kutsarov is the camera operator.
Author and director of ‘Blagunite’ puppet series is Iliyan Iliev.
Watch “Blagunite”. The show has been designed for kids, there is lots in it for the grown-ups too.
On 5th of April from 11 a.m., BNT2 starts airing 13 new episodes of the children’s’ puppet show “Blagunite”.
After the first season of the series on BNT, its characters became popular among young and old viewers. 13 new episodes full of humour, music, educational games and entertaining stories of the puppets will delight the audience. Each episode tells a different story accompanied by several songs, which are easy to memorize and teach children to be good, to develop confidence in their abilities and positive ways to handle challenges.
The second season of ‘Blagunite’ offers a surprise. Children will have the opportunity to peek in the room of the two human-like forest creatures Garber and Elsha and the forest ghosts. To make it possible, the team of the show built a new film set and used modern filming equipment.
The music of the series is composed by Alexander Doichev and the lead singer Dimo Stoyanov from the Bulgarian alternative rock band P.I.F.
Stefan Kutsarov is the camera operator.
Author and director of ‘Blagunite’ puppet series is Iliyan Iliev.
Watch “Blagunite”. The show has been designed for kids, there is lots in it for the grown-ups too.
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