Бърколино – Старите вещи, II част
Предаване: Бърколино, 13.01.2018
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Телефон за връзка с екипа 02 814 2048
e-mail: barkolino@bnt.bg
Хей, малчугани! Да не сте помислили, че бърколините са тръгнали на пътешествие? Не! Те продължават да живеят в къщата на Панталей, но ще може да следите техните приключения, ако всяка неделя гледате предаването “Милион и две усмивки” по БНТ 1. Бърколините се нанесоха в новото ни детско забавно магазинно предаване и заедно с други геройчета ще ви карат да се веселите всяка събота и неделя от 7.30 до 9 часа сутринта.
„Бърколино” е детско забавно-познавателно предаване, съвместен проект на БНТ и МОН.
Заглавието отпраща аудиторията към „бъркотия”, „пакост”, „беля” – неща, много типични за детската възраст.
Действието се развива в къщата на пътешественика-фотограф Панталей, който обича да пътува, но обича и да се връща в спокойния си дом. При едно от завръщанията си обаче установява, че домът му е населен от малки странни същества – бърколините. От различни ъгълчета, чекмеджета и тайни места надникват дребни бърколини, които са се заселили там, докато домакина го няма.
Бърколините са кукли тип „мъпети”, различни по характер така че да съответстват на основни модели на детско поведение. Те се казват: Бъркопитко – любопитко и вечно задаващ въпроси, Бърколеле – малко страхлив, но готов да се включи в лудориите, Бъркобунта е вечно несъгласна, Бърколай е лидерът на групата, а Бърколетка е мила, нежна и суетна.
В къщата живее и птицата Фици -Фици, която се е настанила там доста отдавна и пътешественикът я отглежда като домашен любимец.
В цялата суматоха отвреме-навреме се включва и малкото симпатично куче Бъкстър, което е на младата съседка на пътешественика, но то предпочита да си играе с бърколините, отколкото да седи само в къщи.
В предаването има авторски песни, игрови и лесно запеваеми от децата.
Темите на предаването са свързани с образователните потребности на децата от 3 до 6 години и са съобразени с програмата на МОН за обучение в детските градини.
‘Barkolino’ is an entertainment and education show for children. It is a joint project of the Bulgarian National Television and Ministry of Education and Science. The title refers the audience to ‘jumble up’, ‘mischief’ and ‘trouble’ – experiences very typical of childhood.
The action takes place in the house of a traveling photographer who loves to travel, but always returns to his peaceful and quiet home. But on one of his returns he finds out that his house is inhabited by strange tiny creatures. From various corners, drawers and secret places little jumblinos peep out. They settled there while the master of the house was away. Jumblinos are puppets, more like the ‘muppet’ characters, covering the basic behaviour models of children: Curiosity – he is inquisitive and always asking questions; Coward – he is a bit afraid, but ready for fun activities and mischief; Rebel – she always dissents; Leader – he is the leader of the group; Gracious – she is pleasant, kind and proud of her appearance.
The bird Fitsi-Fitsi also lives in the house. It settled there long ago and the master of the house looks after it as a pet.
A pretty little dog occasionally gets involved in the jumble up. His name is Baxter and belongs to a young lady, a neighbour of the traveler. The dog prefers to join the fun activities of the Jumblinos rather than staying at home by itself.
The show includes original songs, easy to play and sing by children.
The topics of the show are related to the educational needs of children aged 3 to 6 and are consistent with the program of the Ministry of Education and Science for education in kindergardens.
Here are the first few:
Letters of the alphabet
The opposite words
Grown up people
Day and night
Animals in the yard and the stables
Different tastes
The show will be aired every Sunday at 08:25.
Project Author – Ralitsa Filipova
Scriptwriters – Kiril Ivaylov, Maria Stankova, Roza Kolchakova
Setting – ‘Gun’ Studio
Muppet Project - Roza Kolchakova
Lyrics – Viktor Samuilov
Composer - Krasimir Miletkov
Directors – Vanya Ionkova, Biserka Kolevska, Emil Dimitrov and Teodor Simeonov
Responsible cameramen – Dimitar Mitov, Valentin Gonevski, Oleg Ivanov
Animation lead-in – Ivan Sarov
Animation – Andrian Genchovski
Host – Zhivko Dzhuranov
Actors – Dimitar Dimitrov, Marieta Petrova, Sandra Petrova, Rosen Rusev, Anna-Maria Lalova, Yulia Kolarova, Tsvetoslava Simeonova and other
Dog Baxter
e-mail: barkolino@bnt.bg
‘Barkolino’ is an entertainment and education show for children. It is a joint project of the Bulgarian National Television and Ministry of Education and Science. The title refers the audience to ‘jumble up’, ‘mischief’ and ‘trouble’ – experiences very typical of childhood.
The action takes place in the house of a traveling photographer who loves to travel, but always returns to his peaceful and quiet home. But on one of his returns he finds out that his house is inhabited by strange tiny creatures. From various corners, drawers and secret places little jumblinos peep out. They settled there while the master of the house was away. Jumblinos are puppets, more like the ‘muppet’ characters, covering the basic behaviour models of children: Curiosity – he is inquisitive and always asking questions; Coward – he is a bit afraid, but ready for fun activities and mischief; Rebel – she always dissents; Leader – he is the leader of the group; Gracious – she is pleasant, kind and proud of her appearance.
The bird Fitsi-Fitsi also lives in the house. It settled there long ago and the master of the house looks after it as a pet.
A pretty little dog occasionally gets involved in the jumble up. His name is Baxter and belongs to a young lady, a neighbour of the traveler. The dog prefers to join the fun activities of the Jumblinos rather than staying at home by itself.
The show includes original songs, easy to play and sing by children.
The topics of the show are related to the educational needs of children aged 3 to 6 and are consistent with the program of the Ministry of Education and Science for education in kindergardens.
Here are the first few:
Letters of the alphabet
The opposite words
Grown up people
Day and night
Animals in the yard and the stables
Different tastes
The show will be aired every Sunday at 08:25.
Project Author – Ralitsa Filipova
Scriptwriters – Kiril Ivaylov, Maria Stankova, Roza Kolchakova
Setting – ‘Gun’ Studio
Muppet Project - Roza Kolchakova
Lyrics – Viktor Samuilov
Composer - Krasimir Miletkov
Directors – Vanya Ionkova, Biserka Kolevska, Emil Dimitrov and Teodor Simeonov
Responsible cameramen – Dimitar Mitov, Valentin Gonevski, Oleg Ivanov
Animation lead-in – Ivan Sarov
Animation – Andrian Genchovski
Host – Zhivko Dzhuranov
Actors – Dimitar Dimitrov, Marieta Petrova, Sandra Petrova, Rosen Rusev, Anna-Maria Lalova, Yulia Kolarova, Tsvetoslava Simeonova and other
Dog Baxter
e-mail: barkolino@bnt.bg
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