Излъчване от Благоевград - 2.12.2015

Излъчване от Благоевград - 2.12.2015
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„Местно време” е съвместна рубрика на телевизионните центрове на БНТ, която се излъчва всяка вечер, от понеделник до петък, по БНТ 2 и БНТ Свят от 17:30 часа.

Публицистичното предаване се произвежда от петте центъра на БНТ в София, Русе, Благоевград, Варна и Пловдив. В него са включени актуални теми, дискусии и коментари на новините от деня от различен град. Веднъж седмично един от телевизионните центрове е домакин на рубриката „Местно време: Без бариери“, посветена на проблемите на хората в неравностойно положение и рисковите групи.

Гледайте „Местно време“ всеки делничен ден от 17:30 по БНТ 2!

‘Mestno vreme’ (English: ‘Local Time’)

‘Mestno vreme’ is a joint programme of the regional television centres of BNT, airing on BNT 2 and BNT World channels every evening from Monday to Friday at 17.30.

The program is produced by the five regional centres of BNT 2 – Sofia, Rousse, Blagoevgrad, Varna and Plovdiv. It addresses current issues, discussions and comments on the news of the day from a different city. On Mondays the programme is hosted by the Regional TV centre in Rousse, on Tuesdays by the regional TV centre in Plovdiv, on Wednesdays – by the regional TV centers in Blagoevgrad, on Thursdays by the regional TV centre in Varna and on Fridays the programme is prepared by BNT2 in Sofia.

‘Mestno vreme’ (English: ‘Local Time’)

‘Mestno vreme’ is a joint programme of the regional television centres of BNT, airing on BNT 2 and BNT World channels every evening from Monday to Friday at 17.30.

The program is produced by the five regional centres of BNT 2 – Sofia, Rousse, Blagoevgrad, Varna and Plovdiv. It addresses current issues, discussions and comments on the news of the day from a different city. On Mondays the programme is hosted by the Regional TV centre in Rousse, on Tuesdays by the regional TV centre in Plovdiv, on Wednesdays – by the regional TV centers in Blagoevgrad, on Thursdays by the regional TV centre in Varna and on Fridays the programme is prepared by BNT2 in Sofia.

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