До всички малчугани! Всяка съботна и неделна утрин БНТ ви събужда по най-приятния и гъделичкащо-весел начин с
„Милион и две усмивки”! Имаме една изключително приятна и лесна задача:
от 7.30 до 9.00 да съберем толкова добро настроение и усмивки, че те да
ни стигнат за цялата седмица!
Съгласни сте, нали? А как ще стане? Много лесно: с филми, приказки, песни, забавни игри в студиото, фокуси, изненади, които няма да казваме сега, защото няма да ви изненадат! Запознаваме ви с ваши връстници и с техните мечти; караме ви да ни покажете какво можете да правите най-добре, за да влезете в забележителната ни класация „Аз съм великан”…
“Million I Dve Usmivki” (English: “A Million and Two Smiles”)
To the attention of all children! From 22nd of November, every Saturday and Sunday morning, BNT will wake you up in the most pleasant and tickling way with its new show for kids called “A Million and Two Smiles”.
We will have an exceptionally sweet and easy task: from 7.30 to 9.00, to collect as much as possible good mood and smiles, so that we have enough for the whole week. You agree, do you not? How is this going to happen? Very easy: through films, tales, songs, games, surprises and lots of fun in the studio, but we will keep them a surprise.
We will introduce you to other children at you age and their dreams; we will encourage you to show us what you can do best and become part of our amazing ranking called “I am a Giant”.
“Million I Dve Usmivki” (English: “A Million and Two Smiles”)
To the attention of all children! From 22nd of November, every Saturday and Sunday morning, BNT will wake you up in the most pleasant and tickling way with its new show for kids called “A Million and Two Smiles”.
We will have an exceptionally sweet and easy task: from 7.30 to 9.00, to collect as much as possible good mood and smiles, so that we have enough for the whole week. You agree, do you not? How is this going to happen? Very easy: through films, tales, songs, games, surprises and lots of fun in the studio, but we will keep them a surprise.
We will introduce you to other children at you age and their dreams; we will encourage you to show us what you can do best and become part of our amazing ranking called “I am a Giant”.