Плюс това
Кои са хората, които заслужават да бъдат чути, но рядко получават тази възможност? Предаването на БНТ1 „Плюс това“ дава трибуна не на политици, които често виждаме на екрана, а именно на онези личности, които са добри в това, с което се занимават, но рядко попадат под светлината на прожекторите.
Email: plus.tova@bnt.bg
Facebook: Plus.tova.BNT
Кои са хората, които заслужават да бъдат чути, но рядко получават тази възможност? Предаването на БНТ1 „Плюс това“ дава трибуна не на политици, които често виждаме на екрана, а именно на онези личности, които са добри в това, с което се занимават, но рядко попадат под светлината на прожекторите. Водещите Милена Цветанска и Георги Милков са подбрали няколко кръга от гости – творци, интелектуалци, чужденци, колеги журналисти и приятели, които могат свободно да коментират интересните и важните теми за обществото и света, както го правят в социалните мрежи.
Милена Цветанска е едно от най-утвърдените имена в телевизионната журналистика и познато лице на БНТ – работила е като водещ, главен редактор на „По света и у нас“ и директор на дирекция „Информация“. Нейният партньор Георги Милков е сред най-утвърдените имена в публицистиката – има над 20-годишен опит като външнополитически репортер и специален кореспондент на вестник „24 часа“, също така е признат експерт по международна политика.
Темите, които подбират, ще съгласувани с актуалните събития, но отразяват стремежа на екипа да покаже по-необичайната гледна точка към тях.
Предаването се излъчва всяка събота от 09:00 ч. по БНТ1.
Who are those who deserve to be heard, but rarely have the chance? BNT’s new discussion program Plus tová (English: Plus that) aims to give this chance not to politicians who are often on screen, but to the people who are professed at what they do but are not generally known to the public. The two presenters Milena Tsvetanska and Georgi Milkov have grouped their guests in several circles – as they call them – various artists, thinkers, foreigners to Bulgaria, journalists, and even friends of theirs. They will be able to express their opinions on the topics that are interesting and important for the Bulgarian society and the world, as it is usually done in the social media.Milena Tsvetanska is a well-known TV journalist from The Bulgarian National Television. She has been a news anchor, an Editor-in-chief of BNT’s news program, and a News Department Director of BNT. Her TV partner Georgi Milkov is a renowned press reporter with more than 20-year experience as a correspondent and foreign affairs reporter for “24 chasa” news tabloid; he is also an expert on foreign affairs.They will pick the topics of their programme according to the latest news, but the whole production’s aim will be to show a more unusual point of view to it. The programme will be broadcast every Saturday morning at 10AM local time.
Who are those who deserve to be heard, but rarely have the chance? BNT’s new discussion program Plus tová (English: Plus that) aims to give this chance not to politicians who are often on screen, but to the people who are professed at what they do but are not generally known to the public. The two presenters Milena Tsvetanska and Georgi Milkov have grouped their guests in several circles – as they call them – various artists, thinkers, foreigners to Bulgaria, journalists, and even friends of theirs. They will be able to express their opinions on the topics that are interesting and important for the Bulgarian society and the world, as it is usually done in the social media.Milena Tsvetanska is a well-known TV journalist from The Bulgarian National Television. She has been a news anchor, an Editor-in-chief of BNT’s news program, and a News Department Director of BNT. Her TV partner Georgi Milkov is a renowned press reporter with more than 20-year experience as a correspondent and foreign affairs reporter for “24 chasa” news tabloid; he is also an expert on foreign affairs.They will pick the topics of their programme according to the latest news, but the whole production’s aim will be to show a more unusual point of view to it. The programme will be broadcast every Saturday morning at 10AM local time.