The exhibition of the Thracian treasures of Bulgaria and the presentation of the Thracian culture in the Louvre is an unprecedented event for the history of the Bulgarian museums. The total weight of the exhibits is over 6 tons and their transportation...

13:00, 10.04.2015

The exhibition of the Thracian treasures of Bulgaria and the presentation of the Thracian culture in the Louvre is an unprecedented event for the history of the Bulgarian museums. The total weight of the exhibits is over 6 tons and their transportation to the Louvre Museum in Paris went under strict security measures and special care for the protection and the storage of the artifacts. 165 million euro is the insurance cost of the Treasures. The Panagurishte Gold Treasure has been insured for 50 million euro.

In addition to the highlight on the treasures of the Odrysian Kingdom, the exhibition will showcase treasures from the cultural and historic centres of the powerful neighbours of the Odrysians - the Getae tribes to the North-East and the Triballi tribes to the North-West.

Photos of the king’s tomb with Caryatids and artifacts of the city will present the capital of the Getae, Helis, and its aristocratic necropolis, studied in the past 30 years in the archeological reserve of Sboryanovo in the North-East of Bulgaria. The Mogilanska Mound Treasure (found in the centre of Vratsa in the North-West of Bulgaria) will illustrate the power of Triballi kings from the time of their hostilities with Philip II and Alexander the Great.

The art of Getea and Triballi tribes will be presented through the famous Rogozen Treasure (gold and silver), the Borovo Treasure and the Letnitsa Treasure (silver and bronze), the finds from the Mogilanska Mound Treasure and the recently uncovered gold treasure – the Thracian tomb near the village of Svehstari, in the North-East of Bulgaria.

One of the little known treasures of the exhibition at the Louvre is the treasure of Letnitsa. It was discovered during excavations in 1963 near the village of Letnitsa in the North of Bulgaria. Workers found a bronze object and horse harness of silver and silver gilt, featuring high artistic value of the applications on the parts.

The applications depict images of horsemen dressed in armor and pants, animal fight, hierogamy and others. According to researchers, the discovered devices for riding and harness are ritually buried sacred gifts.

They were made by two master craftsmen in the period 385-335 BC, during the flourishing period of the Thracian culture and art; 23 of the applications have a high scientific value and 15 of them illustrate a story in pictures about the Path of Knowledge - Immortality.

The incredible masterpieces of the Letnitsa treasure are an important source in the study of Thracian mythology and the institution of the kings. Because of the precision of their craftsmanship, they are an integral part of world cultural heritage.

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