Знаете ли…
"Знаете ли" е документална поредица - съвместен проект на БНТ 2 и Столична община в подкрепа на кандидатурата на София за европейска столица на културата.
"Знаете ли" е документална поредица - съвместен проект на БНТ 2 и Столична община в подкрепа на кандидатурата на София за европейска столица на културата.
Всеки един от 10-те филма на поредицата разкрива в картини и разкази легендите, културата, местата и личностите, изтъкали като мозайка историята на София. Целта е зрителите да опознаят града по различен и атрактивен начин, а тези, които никога не са го посещавали, да бъдат провокирани да го направят. Десетте заглавия са обединени от идеята да бъдат разкрити непознати страници от историята на София, която за кратко време трябва да „навакса" преднината на останалите европейски столици след Освобождението.
Ръководител на проекта е журналистът Екатерина Генова, координатор е Геновева Момчева, а автор на поредицата е Юрий Дачев.
‘Znaete li’ (English: ‘Do You Know?’)
'Do you know’ is a documentary series, a joint project of BNT2 and Sofia City Municipality, in support of the candidature of Sofia for European Capital of Culture.
Each film of the series unfolds in pictures and narrative the legends, culture, places and personalities that weaved the history of Sofia. The programme seeks to make viewers familiar with the city’s landmarks in a different and attractive way and to attract new visitors and make them eager to visit it. The titles of the ten films are united by the idea to disclose unknown pages from the history of Sofia, which for a short period has to catch up with the progress made by the remaining European capitals after the Liberation of Bulgaria in 1878.
The project leader is the journalist Ekaterina Genova, coordinator is Genoveva Momcheva and the author of the series is Yurii Dachev.
Watch ‘Do you know?’ every Saturday at 13:00 on BNT2!
‘Znaete li’ (English: ‘Do You Know?’)
'Do you know’ is a documentary series, a joint project of BNT2 and Sofia City Municipality, in support of the candidature of Sofia for European Capital of Culture.
Each film of the series unfolds in pictures and narrative the legends, culture, places and personalities that weaved the history of Sofia. The programme seeks to make viewers familiar with the city’s landmarks in a different and attractive way and to attract new visitors and make them eager to visit it. The titles of the ten films are united by the idea to disclose unknown pages from the history of Sofia, which for a short period has to catch up with the progress made by the remaining European capitals after the Liberation of Bulgaria in 1878.
The project leader is the journalist Ekaterina Genova, coordinator is Genoveva Momcheva and the author of the series is Yurii Dachev.
Watch ‘Do you know?’ every Saturday at 13:00 on BNT2!
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