14-year-old Bulgarian student won a gold medal at the World International Mathematical Olympiad in Kuala Lumpur

13:15, 10.01.2024
14-year-old Bulgarian student won a gold medal at the World International Mathematical Olympiad in Kuala Lumpur

14-year-old Damyan Nakev, a student from the High School of Mathematics in Varna, won a gold medal at the most prestigious final of the World International Mathematical Olympiad in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, held on January 6 and 7.

The eighth grader competed with over 300 participants from all over the world. After a nearly 24-hour flight, Damian and his mother returned home today - tired but happy with their well-deserved victory.

The final round of the World Mathematical Olympiad in Kuala Lumpur brings together the best mathematicians among children from around the world.

"This competition is two hours long and has 30 problems. When I saw the problems, I knew I would definitely have a medal. The competition included students of all ages, from pre-school to grade 9. There were participants mainly from Asian countries like Myanmar, Hong Kong, Thailand, Indonesia," said Damyan Nakev.

Apart from his maths classes at school, Damyan also attributed his excellent performance at the Olympiad to his serious extra preparation.

"In mathematics, I go to a school called "Olympians", which is held online and in person in Sofia. I also go to a school at Sofia University for higher mathematics," explained Damyan Nakev.

Pavlina Parusheva has been Damyan's math teacher since he was in 5th grade.

"He is always a pleasure and a challenge to work with," said Damyan's teacher Pavlina Parusheva.

The Bulgarian children - mathematicians showed enviable knowledge and won 3 gold, 2 silver and one bronze medal at the Olympiad in Kuala Lumpur.

"Damyan is smart and talented, but he is not the only one and there are many children, we just need to give them the opportunity to perform", said Damyan's mother - Teodora Uzunova.

Damyan has continued his maths studies and his goal now is the next round of the World Maths Olympiad in 2025 in Taipei.

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