403 settlements with nearly 315,000 people are suffering water resrictions

17:32, 04.09.2024
403 settlements with nearly 315,000 people are suffering water resrictions
Image: pixabay.com/

A total of 403 settlements with nearly 315,000 people are affected by the water rationing due to prolonged drought, record high summer temperatures and another winter without snow.

This became clear on September 4 during a hearing in Parliament of four ministers in charge of the country's hydro-technical facilities.

"Only two dams have been built in the past 30 years. This is grossly inadequate to provide drinking and domestic water supply to the localities. A total of 403 settlements in the country are affected by water supply restrictions - 14 towns and 389 villages on the territory of 25 districts. Statistics show that these are 8% of settlements in the country and the total affected population as at 1 September 2024 is 314,444 people," said Violeta Koritarova, caretaker Minister of Regional Development.

"The volume of complex and significant dams intended for drinking water supply is currently about 67% - compared to the same period last year, this is 11.5% less water quantity," added Petar Dimitrov, caretaker Minister of Environment and Water.

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