9 months in power: Outgoing government reports on the work done

19:07, 08.03.2024
9 months in power: Outgoing government reports on the work done

The outgoing Prime Minister and Deputy Prime Minister - Nikoai Denkov and Mariya Gabriel - expressed a common will to continue the implementation of the priorities of the governance programme in the next 9 months. In a detailed report on what has been done so far, made in front of the entire cabinet and the media on March 8, they stressed that together they will do everything possible for a smooth transition after the rotation, with minimal disruptions.

The Denkov-Gabriel cabinet has held 40 meetings, over 600 decisions and over 300 decrees. The report focused on the government's work to curb inflation, support for farmers, income growth and investment. In foreign policy, the admission of Bulgaria into Schengen by air and water, which is expected at the end of March, was reported, and in domestic policy - the changes in the Constitution and the fight against corruption. Both Nikolai Denkov and Mariya Gabriel praised the constructive tone in their work and promised it to continue in the next 9 months.

"Bulgaria has a political vision and it is very clear, it has to become a normal European country with high incomes, low inequality, proper environment for business, care for people and attractive for investors and Bulgarians who want to return to our country", said Nikolai Denkov - outgoing Prime Minister.

"Brand Bulgaria - let's together make Bulgaria a brand. For many years our main goal was EU and NATO membership, today our only goal is Bulgaria", said Mariya Gabriel - outgoing Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs.

They responded in a diplomatic tone to a question by BNT, about their assessment of the performance of which ministers seriously differ, for which ministers they are of the same opinion, and with which ministers Mariya Gabriel would work as a future Prime Minister.

"At this stage the important is to go ahead and agree on the principles, the priorities and then come to a line-up. It is important for us to report on what has been done, to have a lot of clarity on where there are delays, to find together the reasons for acceleration and with that framework to go to negotiations," replied Mariya Gabriel.

She will remain true to the rule that silence is golden until the negotiations are over.

"We have all the basis, all the preliminary information, all the understanding of both the complexity and the importance of the processes that are happening in Bulgaria to enter constructively into negotiations and to come out with a constructive result," Denkov said.

Nikolai Denkov strongly criticised the opposition and some of the parties from the ruling non-coalition for exacerbating tensions and dividing society:

"Why? Because unity makes us strong, division makes us weak."

Denkov and Gabriel also commented on why they consider our Schengen membership by air and water as a serious success of the cabinet:

"Everyone can judge whether a glass is half full or half empty, but when you are very thirsty, I personally prefer it to be half full than to be completely empty."

"Anyone familiar with diplomacy knows that this first step brings us closer to the finish line."

Tomorrow, Mariya Gabriel and Nikolai Denkov will lead the teams in the negotiations on the future rotation.

Images by BTA

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