After the switch of babies at birth in a hospital in Sofia - who is to blame?

20:18, 21.12.2022
After the switch of babies at birth in a hospital in Sofia - who is to blame?

Two babies have been switched at birth in a hospital in Sofia. Nearly 3 months later, the mothers took DNA tests. The reason was that one of them suspected that she was raising someone else's baby after seeing that the number on her bracelet, which was given at birth, did not match that of the child.

The babies were born in September, on the same day, at the same time. The error was discovered on December 7 and the Prosecutor's office opened pre-trial proceedings on December 14.

The police and the Prosecutor's office launched probes, and the Health Ministry started checks.

Everything at the moment indicates that the hospital where the baby switch took place was “Sheinovo” in Sofia. The babies were born in September - on the same day, at the same time. However, the investigation will show how they were not discharged from the hospital with their biological mothers. Both women had already given samples for DNA tests, and the results were ready in about a week.

It has been established beyond doubt that both children have different biological mothers from the ones written on their birth certificates and from whom they have been raised so far.

Inspections of all maternity hospitals in the country have been launched because of the case of the switched babies

The case is being investigated under the direction of the Regional Prosecutor’s office, and nearly 30 people have been interviewed within a week. Because of this case, inspections will be launched in other maternity hospitals, the health minister said.

In September, two pregnant women were admitted to “Sheinovo” Hospital. A few days after that, they left the hospital with someone else’s baby, but for months they took them as their own. BNT was unable to find out how this happened from the hospital director, Dr. Rumen Velev, who did not answer our calls throughout the day.

He did, however, meet with the caretaker health minister and told him he had known about the case for a week. However, minister Assen Medzhidiev only found out today from the media and he believes that negligence was shown at several stages along the chain.

"In my opinion, it was a human error, staff negligence. Dr Velev explained that it was a case of two women who gave birth in September, on the same day, at the same time. As far as I have information, there was a discrepancy when they were put in the trolleys," said Assen Medzhidiev, caretaker health minister.

A week ago, the Prosecutor's office opened pre-trial proceedings in the case after one mother accidentally found a discrepancy in her hospital bracelet and that of the baby she was raising.

"We have no refusal from either of the two mothers, both are cooperating at the moment, we have obtained samples for comparative study from both, which have been examined and it has been found that the two children have different biological mothers than those listed in their documents," added Ivan Stefanov.

Until the case is fully solved, the babies will probably not need to be cared for by social services because there is no evidence that they are living at risk. However, any mother would have to go through the courts to get her biological child back.

"First she has to bring a claim to challenge the parentage because that birth certificate that she has, the real one, her child, has other parents on it. And she can in the same case in court file a claim to establish descent. This permission applies to both mothers," said lawyer Lyudmil Rangelov.

The law provides for up to two years of imprisonment if it is proven that the babies were intentionally switched. However, the mothers have the right to file private lawsuits.

"Despite the fact that, let's say, it is found that it was some kind of technical error, the emotional pain and suffering that both of them experienced is probably very intense, very severe, and yes, they could claim such compensation for such non-pecuniary damages under civil law," Lyudmil Rangelov said.

The health ministry assured that after the commissioned inspections very serious measures should be taken and everyone guilty should take responsibility. Besides, other meternity hospitals will also be checked in order to prevent similar cases.

The case of the babies switched at birth: None of the mothers refused DNA test, Prosecutor's office said

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