Agriculture Minister denies meat price speculation

14:51, 14.08.2023
Agriculture Minister denies meat price speculation

A meeting takes place in the Ministry of Agriculture on August 14 to discuss prices of meat. They are also examining the results of the inspections carried out by the Food Safety Agency and the National Revenue Agency (NRA) on prices of dairy products, fruit and vegetables.

The Minister for Agriculture and Food has denied that there is speculation in meat prices. According to the government's website, the price of pork has risen by 7% in recent months.

"In general, every summer meat prices go up, this is not new. It's not new, I was in the meat processing business for 30 years before I got into this post. Met prices increase every summer, so nothing new, I'm not personally surprised."

And what's that due to?

"It's mainly due to the fact that in pig farms the animals are reared at a higher cost, the grazing animals are on pasture and the deficit is growing, I'm answering specifically for Bulgaria. Meat prices will fall in the autumn," said Kiril Vatev, Minister of Agriculture and Food.

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