Archaeologists have uncovered two residential buildings and 250 artifacts in Cherven

14:10, 18.08.2021
Archaeologists have uncovered two residential buildings and 250 artifacts in Cherven

The archeological season of the medieval town of Cherven near Rousse is over. The research was conducted within a month with the financial support of the Ministry of Culture under the scientific supervision of Svetlana Velikova from the Rousse Museum. The studied area covers 80 sq. m.

The team's efforts focused on the area south of Church № 16. The stages of housing construction at the end of the 14th - beginning of the 15th century were found there. Two buildings with four fully preserved walls and remains of earlier buildings were discovered. A cellar with a depth of 2.10 m was partially found in one of them.

Two new structures, which are cut into the rock base, have also been studied. Some experts define them as remnants of looms used by the inhabitants of the medieval city.

In the research, some 240 finds were uncovered including silver and copper coins from the reign of Tsar Ivan Shishman in the 14th century, iron buckles, bronze buttons and iron tools. Among the finds is an artfully made openwork pendant.

images by Regional Museum of History, Rousse

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