Bourgas tightens measures against the spread of Covid-19 in kindergartens and schools

19:53, 11.10.2023
Bourgas tightens measures against the spread of Covid-19 in kindergartens and schools

Bourgas introduced preventive measures in kindergartens and schools against the spread of Covid-19. For the second week now, it has been one of the districts with increased incidence of Covid-19. Many of the new cases are among children as the new school year began.

In the past 14 days, a total of 40 children and young people have been registered with Covid-19 in Bourgas district. 10 teachers have also been infected.

"We have 4-5 students a day who test positive - different schools, different grades - from 5th, 10th-grade, 3rd, 1st, 4th, 9th and so on. It is noteworthy that there are more pupils with Covid-19 than teachers," said Dr. Miroslava Kiselkova, Regional Health Inspectorate – Bourgas.

That is why stricter measures have been introduced in schools and kindergartens since the beginning of this week.

"Strict screening in the morning, when students enter the school, and at the start of each shift. The school nurse takes the children's temperature, then in every class makes sure everyone is healthy. We continue to air the classrooms and premises, as well as increased disinfection," said Mariana Stefanova, director of Vasil Aprilov Primary School - Bourgas.

In some schools, classes have beeen allocated different entrances to avoid crowding. If a student tests positive for Covid-19, the measures that are taken are based on the existing regulation - the whole class goes into a 5-day quarantine.

Requirement for people with Covid-19 and their contacts to quarantine is still in force

"The previous week we had one class quarantined, in 7th grade. It also included two days of the weekend, so the kids didn't miss much in the learning process. They went online," explained Martin Iliev, head of the Konstantin Preslavski School in Bourgas.

According to medical professionals, the measures introduced do not mean that there is cause for concern, as was the case at the beginning of the Covid-19 wave.

"Viruses, influenza and respiratory diseases, combinations of bacterial infections are intermingled, at this stage we would not say that this is only anti-Covid-19 measures," said Christina Mindova, a paramedic.

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