Bulgargaz proposes higher forecast gas price in November

22:06, 12.09.2022
Bulgargaz proposes higher forecast gas price in November

Bulgargaz offers a more expensive forecast price of gas in November of 278.83 BGN. per megawatt-hour. The price is higher than the forecast for October by 40 BGN.

Bulgargaz explains that the blue fuel with delivery in November on the European gas exchanges has an approximate price of 205 EUR/MWh. That is, the Bulgarian price is 60 euros lower. The final decision will be clear at the beginning of November, after a decision of the Energy and Water Regulatory Commission.

If the higher price for November is approved by the energy regulator, it will be higher than the one the industry is demanding, namely 250 BGN. per megawatt-hour. In August and September, the price of natural gas for the domestic market was above the acceptable value for businesses.

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