Bulgaria and Spain signed a memorandum for the development of the social economy

19:30, 11.03.2024
Bulgaria and Spain signed a memorandum for the development of the social economy

A Memorandum of Cooperation on sharing good practices for the development of the social economy was signed on March 11 by the outgoing Minister of Labour and Social Policy Ivanka Shalapatova and Yolanda Perez, Second Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Labour and Social Economy of Spain. This was announced by the press centre of the Ministry of Labour and Social Policy. The signing of the document was in the framework of the meeting of the Council of the European Union on Employment and Social Policy, which was held in Brussels.

The purpose of the document is to stimulate dialogue and cooperation between Bulgaria and Spain in order to promote the social economy, cooperatives and other entities of the social and solidarity economy and their financing instruments.

Negotiations between the two countries on a memorandum in the field of the social economy began in October 2023 during the Bulgarian presidency of the monitoring committee of the Luxembourg Declaration, which aims to promote the social economy in Europe, the social ministry recalled.

"Social ministers area aware of the potential of the social economy to fight poverty, to promote employment of people in vulnerable situations, especially given the challenges of the labour market in the double digital and green transition," Shalapatova said after signing the document.

She added that she had extended an invitation to the Government of Spain as the country has a leadership position and extensive experience in the development of the social economy.

The outgoing minister said that the first initiative in the implementation of the memorandum will be a working visit of a delegation from Spain to Bulgaria in May.

"Then we will be able to show not only the practice in our country regarding the social economy, but also outline the areas for its development in the future with the assistance of social enterprises, municipalities, civil society organisations and other stakeholders," she said.

According to Shalapatova, the Memorandum is an important step towards presenting the potential of the social system in Bulgaria internationally to better achieve and implement all European priorities for social cohesion and social development.

The social economy is a key instrument for reducing social inequalities and ensuring sustainable territorial development by creating conditions for raising the living standards of people from vulnerable groups by improving their access to employment, training and improving their professional qualifications. Through it, they receive support and opportunities for social inclusion and independent living, the Social Ministry added.

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