Bulgaria celebrates Ignazgden - the feast day of Saint Ignatius of Antioch

11:52, 20.12.2022
Bulgaria celebrates Ignazgden - the feast day of Saint Ignatius of Antioch

December 20 is Ignazhden - the feast day of Saint Ignatius of Antioch. According to the tradition, the Virgin's labour pains began on this day and continued until Christmas.

This feast venerates the holy martyr ‎Ignatius the God-bearer. According to the holy books, Ignatius was the child mentioned in the Gospel of Matthew.

Christmas holidays in the traditional Bulgarian calendar begin on Ignazhden. The transition to the new year begins.

The popular belief holds this day as the beginning of the New Year. Since it was considered the start of a new year, it was very important what person first steps in the house, the so-called “polaznik”.

It depends on whoever enters in the house on Ignajden what the next year would be like. If the person who enters first is a good person and has had happiness in the previous year, there will be luck and success in everything in the house during the whole next year and the hosts give the person their blessing and invite him or her to be the person who enters the house first next year as well

The custom itself known as “polazvane” is characteristic of all areas of Bulgaria. This is where another name for the holiday comes from “polaz” or Polazovden.

Another important custom on Ignazhden is not to lend money. It is related to other customs to preserve well-being and luck in the familiy.

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