Bulgaria celebrates the feast of Saints Sophia, Faith, Hope and Love and the Day of its capital Sofia

13:39, 17.09.2022
Bulgaria celebrates the feast of Saints Sophia, Faith, Hope and Love and the Day of its capital Sofia

On September 17, the Orthodox Church honours the memory of the Holy Martyrs Sophia, Faith, Hope and Love.

It is also the Day of the capital of Bulgaria – Sofia.

Sophia means wisdom. Wisdom that does not speak because it knows, sees and helps. It draws its strength from faith, hope and love. And gives them to the world. Wisdom has its many incarnations in ancient and modern philosophies and religions.

Born in Italy, Sophia had three daughters: Faith, Hope and Love, who were named after the virtues.

Acccording to the legend, in the second half of the first century in Rome lived a pious woman, a Christian, her name was Sophia. She had three daughters who had the names of Christian virtues - Faith, Hope and Love. She raised them in love for the Lord Jesus Christ

Sophia and her daughters did not hide their faith and openly professed it. Antiochus' viceroy brought this to Emperor Hadrian (117-138), who ordered that they be brought to the emperor immediately.

When they stood before him, all present were astonished at their calm: as if they had been called to a bright celebration, not to torture. Hadrian tried to persuade them to sacrifice to the goddess Artemis, but the young girls (Faith was 12 years old, Hope - 10 years old and Love - 9 years old) remained adamant, then the emperor ordered them to be severely tortured.

The mother was forced to watch the inhuman torture and suffering of her children. But she showed extraordinary strength all the time. They could not stand the torture, the girls died, and the emperor allowed Sophia to take the bodies of her daughters and bury them.

Three days after the children's deaths, their mother died and was buried with them.. The Church also honours St. Sophia as a martyr, because as a mother she experienced with her heart the terrible sufferings for Christ of her beloved daughters.

The relics of the holy martyrs Sophia, Faith, hope and Love have been buried since 777 in Alsace, France.

As part of the tradition, the holiday is marked with lots of festivities.

The official ceremony of hoisting the flag of Sofia was held at 11,00 outside " " Saint Sofia church.

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