Bulgaria commemorates national hero Hristo Botev and those who gave their lives for the country’s liberation (photos)

00:09, 03.06.2024
Bulgaria commemorates national hero Hristo Botev and those who gave their lives for the country’s liberation (photos)

Every year exactly at 12.00 on June 2, sirens across the country are sounded to mark the beginning of a two minute silence in memory of the distinguished Bulgarian poet, revolutionary and journalist, Hristo Botev, who sacrificed his life for the freedom of Bulgaria. The day also commemorates the heroism of all who gave their lives for the liberation of the country from Ottoman rule.

Sirens sound across Bulgaria in commemoration of revolutionary Hristo Botev and liberation heroes

Okolchitsa peak in the Balkan Mountain, Vratsa district (Northwestern Bulgaria)

As a tradition, a national commemoration was held on the historic peak of Okolchitsa in the Vratsa Balkan mountain, where Botev died heroically 148 years ago. Hundreds of people from all over the country climbed to the top to pay tribute to Hristo Botev and his detachment of insurgents.

For 123 years, the legendary peak where the genius poet and revolutionary was killed has gathered thousands who came to bow before his feat.

This year nearly 2,000 people walked in the footsteps of the Botev group. They went along the 120 km trial of the group led by Hristo Botev from Kozloduy to Okolchitsa.

The oldest participant was a 79-year-old retired teacher from Veliko Turnovo, Rouzha Simeonova.

The youngest participant was Kardam, who is only 4 years old. There are also four children in his family, who for economic reasons live abroad, but all carry Bulgaria in their hearts and were happy to return to support patriotic causes. Botev is their favourite national hero.

"He is my hero and I want to be like him," Kardam said.

"We want all Bulgarians and all families to have many children and all children to be educated in Bulgarian patriotism, to love Bulgaria, to appreciate Bulgarian values," Kardam's father added.

Botev's poem "Hadzhi Dimitar" was also quoted by the caretaker Prime Minister at Okolchitsa.

"A deep bow to all those who died for the freedom of Bulgaria and long live Bulgaria," said Dimitar Glavchev, caretaker Prime Minister.


Kalofer - the birthplace of poet and revolutionary Hristo Botev. The flag of Botev's detachment was carried out from the national museum. People from all over the country bowed before Botev's memorial.

"Thanks to people like him, people have a lot to learn and pass on to their children," said Velislava Parashikova.


People laid wreaths and flowers at the monument to the revolutionary in the Borisova Garden in Sofia.

"For us Botev is Bulgaria. I want to address all young Bulgarians - study, read and know who you are, and the history of Bulgaria. And freedom is a value for which many Bulgarian heroes have given their lives so that we have it today - the day when we honour their sacrifice.”


A procession of students from various schools in Smolyan and members of the public, led by the Youth Guard unit of the Ivan Vazov School, marched along the central boulevard in Smolyan to Svoboda Square, where the bust-monument to Hristo Botev is located. There, with a guard of honour from the 101st Alpine Regiment and a short celebration, at which the immortal poems of Botev sounded, the people of Smolyan commemorated June 2 and bowed to the feat of the great poet and revolutionary Hristo Botev and all the known and unknown heroes who gave their lives for the freedom and independence of Bulgaria. Wreaths and flowers were laid in front of Botev's monument.


There were celebrations on June 2 at the monument dedicated to Hristo Botev. With a military ritual, Plovdiv residents paid tribute to the deeds of those who died for the liberation of Bulgaria.


Rousse residents marked 148 years since the death of Hristo Botev with an official ceremony and laying of wreaths at the Memorial to the Fallen in the Wars of National Unification. They also paid tribute to the revolutionaries who fell for the freedom of Bulgaria. The municipal brass band performed marches and the guard of honour was lined up as a sign of respect to the revolutionary poet and to those who sacrificed their lives for the independence of Bulgaria.

Priests from the Rousse Metropolitanate conducted a prayer service in memory of Hristo Botev and those who died for the freedom of the homeland.

The Day of Botev and those who died for the freedom and independence of Bulgaria - June 2, was first celebrated in 1884 in Vratsa and Plovdiv. It has been officially celebrated since 1901, when people from Botev's detachment attended the celebrations on Mount Vola. Every year on June 2 at 12:00 p.m. since 1948, a tribute is paid to the memory of those who died for the freedom and independence of Bulgaria with a one-minute silence, the sound of sirens across the country and the ringing of bells for two minutes.

Hristo Botev died in the Balkan Mountain near Vratsa, leading a detachment of Bulgarian insurgents to participate in the April Uprising of 1876. The detachment fought several battles with Ottoman troops. Bulgarians, then part of the Ottoman Empire since 1396, embarked on their most massive attempt to regain their independence, known in history as the April Uprising, on April 20, 1876.

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