Bulgaria is among the countries with the longest working week in the EU

14:46, 30.05.2024
Bulgaria is among the countries with the longest working week in the EU
Image: pixabay.com

Bulgaria is among the countries with the longest working week, a report by the Statistical Office of the European Union, Eurostat, says.

In 2023, the actual weekly working hours for people aged 20-64 in their main job, in the EU, averaged 36.1 hours.

A closer look at EU countries reveals notable differences. The longest working weeks were recorded in Greece (39.8 hours), Romania (39.5), Poland (39.3) and Bulgaria (39.0).
By contrast, the Netherlands had the shortest working week (32.2 hours), followed by Austria (33.6) and Germany (34.0).

In contrast, the shortest working week was recorded in the Netherlands (32.2 hours), followed by Austria (33.6 hours) and Germany (34.0 hours).

The economic activities recording the longest working week in the EU in 2023 are agriculture, forestry and fishing (41.5 actual hours), mining and quarrying (39.1) and construction (38.9). The shortest working week is recorded in employers' activities (26.7 hours), education (31.9) and arts, entertainment and recreation (33.0).

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